Beauty of the bond

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It wasn’t too long ago or perhaps much longer, when Sha, Ave and Aly went out on an adventure, on a fierce mission of restoring the world back to it’s light. They have come so far, made allies, made enemies and defeated their enemies. Helped all those in need of help along their path. However despite all of this, their journey has yet to even come close to its end. Their little team grew stronger journey after journey, battle after battle, now becoming a squad the whole AquaTerra knows. Whenever someone hears their name, they get goosebumps and wonder who these people are that many have yet to see them.
It was indeed a long journey for the well known Squad Chaos. What they seek, and what they encounter is something even they can’t explain. After a battle filled with unexpected events in Equinox, Squad Chaos finally departs towards their next destination, D’vaheim the land of Inferno. They all left Equinox with such joy and hope...who would've thought, a well known princess would take part in this hell of a squad.

It was few hours before sunset, a flying pegusus carriage that carried the whole squad from Equinox, finally landed after the long trip. The team felt relaxed and enjoyed the amazing view as they passed though nothing else mattered.

As the carriage landed onto the ground, everyone got out of accordingly.
Jiao placed his arms around Ky’s neck, keeping him close as they both looked around, wondering where they are. Ming stood next to them along with Ave. Claire stood close to Horus, and Yoshida and Shiroi stood a little far from them. Aly stayed alongside Sha who looked around curiously as if she will ever know where they were even if she look around.

Sha: *She held on to her waist as she looked around, only furry bushes and trees all around her. The cold wind breezed against her skin as she turned around, gazing around as she wonders where they are* Where are we?.

Aly: Hmm, let me check. *she took out her Orb, releasing her mana into it as a map projected out from it* Nowhere near D’vaheim for sure...this is like in middle of nowhere.*she looked at Sha as she responded*

Sha: *narrows her eyes as she gazed confused*

Horus: Yeah that’s because of Equinox law, even if the people of Equines are allowed to go out of the land. They are forbidden to go too far so I say this is the farthest they can take us, also...*he walked towards Aly and grabbed the orb* Do you always carry this like this wherever you go?.

Aly: *she glared at Horus as he questioned her* Yeah, why?

Horus: Give me a minute!*he then slowly turned around holding the orb as he closed his eyes, slowly letting go of the orb as it began levitating in mid air. The orb slowly started to glow as he swayed his hands around it. Performing a few hand signs as the orb suddenly glew brightly, turning into a ball of light before disappearing, only  a little pearl with a silver wire forming a necklace appeared. He then opened his eyes as smile emerged on his face, taking the necklace towards Aly* Here you go, it'll still work the same as before.

Sha: wonder I call you Horus pocus.*she chuckles*

Aly: Wohow.*she took the necklace and wore it* It looks pretty but will it really work?????.

Horus: *he shrugged with a smile as he crossed his arms* See for yourself.

Claire: Wow, brother you still got it.

Horus: what do you mean still? Just because I left home doesn’t mean I don’t use my talent.

Aly: *She narrowed her eyes at Horus before holding onto the little pearl with her palm, releasing her mana into it causing the tiny pearl to project the map* Wow, it really works.I was so sure it won’t.

Horus: Huh??. Hey!?? *He raised one of his eyebrows, narrowing his eyes*

Sha: You totally deserve the name Horus Pocus….*She giggled*

Ave: *she laughed looking at Horus* Yeah, so much for showing off how cool you are eh??.

Horus: *he looked at Ave and smiled softly* So you think...I'm cool?.

Ave: E-e-eh??!.*She felt flustered and awkward as she looked away quickly* Sha!!! *She quickly retreated to Sha trying to avoid his question*

Yoshida: So what do we do now? Keep walking until it gets dark?? We still have like 3 hours before sunset.

Aly: Well, that’s what we do?.

Shiroi: Then maybe we should go ahead now so that we won't waste our time?.

Yoshida: You're okay with walking?. Your Highness!??*He asked Shiroi sarcastically*

Shiroi: *He narrowed his eyes, tilting his head with a poker face* Says the devil who's been following these girls stupidly. I suppose that’s not something the devil does every I wrong?.

Yoshida: Tch!*He narrowed his eyes with a frown and looks away*

Shiroi: *Chuckled looking away as well*

Claire: Seriously?. We walk?. For how many hours again?.

Ming: We will make stops to rest and take breaks and...yeah.

Jiao: I do want to look around, maybe we might see something usefull while we head towards D’vaheim.

Horus: *he pats Claires head as he chuckled* Want me to carry you on my back?.

Claire: *her eyes widened with excitement* You will?!!!.

Sha: *she chuckled, seeing Horus and Claire* You two make me miss my brother so much...*She spurted out, out of nowhere*

Everyone gasped and looked at sha as they heard her talk about her brother loudly.

Sha: *she giggled, closing her eyes and tilting her head*

Shiroi: Umm...your brother...he-.

Sha: Haven’t seen him since 6 years ago.*Before Shiroi could finish his sentence she interfered*

Shiroi: The day of you remember what happened to him?. *He asked as he was curious*

Sha: That’s the funny part. I don’t remember what happened to him that day...but I am pretty sure he is out there waiting for me. *She smiled again*

Shiroi: *He narrowed his eyes as he stared at Sha, gazing without uttering a word* (Mind: So it is confirmed...your memory has been altered. Is this his doing?. This might be something much bigger than we expected) *He then slightly turned his sights to Yoshida and glared at him from the corner of his eye*

Yoshida: *he stood there with his hands in his pockets, noticing Shiroi's glance as he gazed back. Staying silent as he tried bringing up matters with Sha's brother*

Ave: That’s why we're here, right?. Like how Sha helped me find my brother, I will be here and help her find her brother. *She spoke confidently*

Ky: *he noddded twice* Sis Sha saved me and brought my sister back to me so fcourse we will help you find your brother too!.

Claire: *She nodded as in agreement to Ave* It was because of Sha that I get to meet Horus yeah.

Aly: *She placed her hand on Sha’s shoulder* You got us girl!! We will definitely find your brother. Plus I really want to see him so I can see if you two really look alike, you know since you are twins.

Sha: *she giggled softly as she looked at Aly* Sure sure...Lets do this!!

Jiao: *He looked at Shiroi and Yoshida, taking a deeping breath in before passing between the two, heading into the forest* So are we going or are we just gonna stand here all day?.

Ky: Big bro Jiao!! Wait!! *He shouted out loud before he followed after Jiao quickly*

Shiroi and Yoshida silently followed after them without saying a word to each other, much less even letting out a grunt.

Claire: *she sighs softly, reminded that she has to walk once more. She hugged Amethyst (her new pet starlian that she has been carrying)* I really don’t want to walk for that long. *she complained silently to herself*

Amethyst: *She looked her master pouting, jumping out of the arms of her master at a fair distance. It suddenly began to glow, releasing a bright radiant light.*

The boys who started walking ahead stopped and looked behind them to see commotion.

Claire: Eh, whats happening?. *She was stunned seeing Amethyst glow radiantly*

Sha: Is it going to explode?. *She asked out if curiousity since its light continued to glow brighter, covering her eyes slightly*

Claire: *she gasped in shock upon hearing Sha's words, responding in a loud* HAH?!!

Aly: *she smacked Sha behind her head* Stop saying things like that you idiot!. *she yelled*

Ave: Stop scaring Claire, Sha. Didn’t you read any information about starlians? These type of rare starlians can alter their sizes...I mean I think that’s whats happening.

Horus: *smiling softly, he shifted his gave Ave* Oh and you're smart as well.

Ave: Pfft, everyone knows that...all animal lovers know that.

Aly: That explains why Sha didn’t know, she's practically scared of animals,and insects you know.

Amethyst: *the radiant light suddenly seized, shocking everyone with its astonishing size, she is now 4 times larger than her usual appearance, gazing at her master, Claire and with that she looks at her master, Claire, and meowed as though she was communicating "get on"*

Claire: Holy Unicorn!!. GIRLS!!. WE GOT OURSELVES A Ride!!. ALL 4 OF US CAN RIDE HER!!. *She screamed in joy, jumping up and down in excitement*

Ming: Wahh?!!. I really never imagined we'd ever get a ride.

Sha: YEEEHAAAAWWW!!. *she was already the first one on top of Amethyst, ready to ride it* Hurry up you girls!.

Aly: When did she get on there?. *a soft sigh escaped her* sometimes she is as fast as lightning.

Jiao: You gotta be kidding me!!. *he yelled angrily* We want a ride too!. *His face showed jealousy of Amethyst only allowing the girls to ride on her*

Amethyst: *Proudly walking past the boys with the four girls on top of her*

All the boys just stared at them with a pale poker face as they watched them go their way.

Ky: Wow...they're so....

Shiroi: Full of themselves?.

Jiao: Shush!. They are no better than us...just because they got a ride.

Yoshida: Are you sure they are not better than us? *He chuckled*

Horus: *he walked towards four males, looking at Yoshida followed by Shiroi* Should we follow them now?.

Yoshida and Shiroi nodded in agreement to Horus before they started following Amethyst.

Jiao and Ky kept mumbling curses towards the girls for not walking behind them.

Horus: *he kept walking with yoshida and Shiroi beside him, speaking softly with a low tone so that only the two can hear him* Andi know what he is plotting, right?

Yoshida: *narrowing his eyes as he continued walking, keeping his hands in his pockets* What if we do? *He spoke with a soft voice*

Horus: When will you tell her?. If he meets her before you tell do you think things will end?

Shiroi: I don’t believe what he is showing us. I think there's more than what he is doing and showing everyone...*He added, continuing to walk beside Horus*

Horus: *He narrowed his eyes as he got a bit curious of what Shiroi added* What do you mean? Are you saying he isn’t upto no good?

Yoshida: I know you knew more than what you told me.*He added further*

Horus: there is more to whats shown huh?. Does this mean-.

Shiroi: We can’t tell her anything, not before we are sure of it.

Yoshida: *he nodded in agreement to Shiroi*

Horus: Hmm....*He stayed silent, catching on to what they meant*

Jiao: *he walked towards Horus from behind, placing his arm around his neck* Tell who what?.*He asked out if curiousity*

Ky: Hey!!. Wait up!!. *he began to run a bit so he can keep up with the pace of the other boys*

Shiroi: *chuckles as he stayed silent hoping someone to change the topic*

Yoshida: *he looked at Jiao as he kept walking, smirking softly* Tell you what I did last night.

Jiao: *he gasped as he widened his eyes, realizing what Yoshida had just said. He quickly looked up at the sky in an attempt to change the subject* Oh ho!! The stars are appearing already!! *he said in a joyful tone laughing nervously as he suddenly stopped, realizing signs of smoke from a bit far ahead* Guys...look up. Smoke?!.

Shiroi: *he looked up ahead and narrowed his eyes* That’s right, maybe there are people there so why don’t we go and check it out?.

Ky: We should tell the girls first, give me second. *he quickly sprinted towards Amethyst ahead of them, waving his arms and screaming out loudly* OYE OYE OOOOYYEE!!! VEEE VEEE??? SIS SHAAAAA!!

Ave: *she looked behind upon hearing Ky* It's ky?. YES KY KY?. *she shouted back*

Ky: LOOK UP AHEAD, SMOKE, WE'RE GOING THERE!! *He shouted out loudly, placing his hands around his mouth to create an amplified effect, shortly he stopped running*

Sha: Smoke? *She looked up ahead, spotting the smoke* Oh that. ROGER THAT!!. LETS GO THIS WAY!. BY THAT LAKE OVER THERE! It looks pretty.

Claire: Yeah .Amethyst, follow the smoke but go near the lake. *she smiled softly as she told Amethyst*
All of them changed their course and headed towards the smoke, taking the path near the lake to enjoy the view. As they kept walking beside the river, they noticed quite a few people a little bit further, on a bridge fishing from the lake. They seemed to be enjoying their time. Suddenly, one the the people's fishing rod began shaking as if they caught something large. They couldn’t pull out what they caught, so three men gave up their poles and held onto the pole the of the other that seemed to have caught something. The more they kept pulling it up, the more the squad kept enjoying the view, even the boys were curious to see as to what they caught. With one final pull suddenly they were able to lift up what they caught, suddenly a huge whale leapt put of the water, it splashing water everywhere in mid air, however seeing the size of the whole left them in awe.

Jiao: *he pointed  at the huge blue whale and screamed loudly with his eyes widens* AHHHHH!!!? THEY CAUGHT SHAA!!

Sha: HAHH!!???. *She looked behind at the boys right away angrily*.

What happened next left them in shock even more as suddenly one of the people who helped bring up the huge blue whale, took out a huge club which changed its size big enough for it to hit a giant ball. Leaping into the air as high as the blue whale and suddenly hitting the blue whale with the club sending it away flying.

Shiroi: HURRY GO SAVE HER!!. *he shouted dramtically*

Yoshida: NOOOO!!. SHORTY!!!. *he shouted dramatically as well*

Horus: Always knew Crybaby would get end up getting caught like that. *he folded his arms in no surprise, smiling softly*

Ky: *he cried dramatically, hugging Yoshida’s arm* BIG SIS SHAA!!!

Sha: I'm right here and I can hear you loud and clear...that was a blue whale. I like whale sharks duhh...*She pouted angrily as she turned away* Stupid boys....

Ave: *she laughed as she patted Sha’s head* There there...pfft...hahaha. *she burst out laughing*

Aly: *she laughed so much before she looked at the boys and yelled* Shut up and walk faster!!. We don’t have time to joke around you know!!. Pffft.*she burst into more laughter as soon as she turned away*

Ming and Claire both couldn’t say a word as they were laughing as to what the boys did.

Jiao: Fine fine...we're almost there anyways, but seriously. How deep is this lake?, and also where is the ending of this lake? Even blue whales exist here.

Yoshida: This isn’t a mere lake. This is…*He stopped and looked ahead* Oh we're here already??. *His attention was caught by the scenery in front of them, noticing they had already arrived where the smoke was originally came from*

Everyone else looked forward after they heard Yoshida. Causing everyone to be stunned as to see a whole area decorated with fairy lights and benches with tables with a little hut next to it that looks like a bar but no living creatures to yet be seen. All of this right beside the never ending lake made everyone stare with wonder.

(What is this place? Were they destined to be there? Stay tuned to find out.)

Squad Chaos - 04 - Reminisce of once historyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz