Author's Note

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Dear readers, 

This story has been in my head for a long time. I am so, so glad that it is finally time to share it with you all! 

A few points to note:

1) Yes, this is the same story I had paused nearly two years ago. Yes, it is finally complete. You can read it fully without having to wait for future chapters. 

2) Because it is an old story, 6 chapters were already released once before in 2021. But the content has been changed quite a bit. Which is why if some of the comments under Chapters 1-6 don't make sense, don't worry. It is because of my reshuffling.

3) I would recommend reading 'The Balcony' before reading this one. It's not a sequel but some chapters just make more sense if you have context of that story. :)

4) You will notice that I've tried a few new things in this book. The more you read, the more you will know. I don't want to reveal it before. :P

5) I probably wouldn't have completed it if it hadn't been for a few persistent readers on this platform. I tend to get lost in my world and lose focus from seemingly bigger and more expansive stories as they demand more from me. So, thank you for helping me finish. I owe it to you. :)

6) I sincerely hope you enjoy the story! You'll let me know, won't you? :)

Much love,


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