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The story in the diary continued to go on ,about their daily events  their memories,their blooming love ,everything.


I was a little late to school that particular day. I was in a hurry to reach my class.

But suddenly someone caught my hand and pulled me .It was oro.He dragged me towards the exit.

I was furious ,so I shouted at him and asked where was he taking me. But he said nothing. He pointed towards his motor bike.

He said me hop on. I was about to lash out on him,but once I saw his puffy blood red eyes, I compiled to him.

He started his bike and he took us the abandoned park beside the mountain ,where we first met as kids.

He took me inside the park and hugged me. I noticed that the cloth in my shoulders were wet due to his tears.

Who dared to hurt my sweetheart? I will  kill them. I was fuming with anger.

When I asked the reason, I was speechless. His ex stepmother is threatening him.

His worst nightmare. That evil witch has now been ditched by her new husband. So she wants financial help from him,or she will remarry his father by using his little sister.

I know that oro's father will never do such a lame thing.But oro was mentally affected by her. So he can't think rationally.

His cries were getting louder and louder. I don't know how to calm him.

So ,I did the first thing that came to my mind. I kissed him.

Which took  him and even me by surprise.  He was stunned for a while without any reaction .

I assumed it was a bad idea and was about to pull away. But he stopped me and continued to kiss me.

That's how for the first time I confessed my love for him. And he accepted my love too.

This was the beginning of a new chapter in our love story.

We continued to date for a week. The following weekend oro had decided to take me to a amusement park.

But on the weekend,a news popped up taking me by a surprise. 

A corpse of a middle aged lady and a kid has been found in the river. They don't have their hands and legs attached to their body.Their faces were unrecognizable.

What shocked me the most was the little girl was identified as a school girl named  Dorothy. The same name as oro's sister.


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