Chapter 25

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"I wasn't expecting this!?" I shout absolutely refusing to come out of the hotel bathroom at the moment.

I stare at myself in the mirror and I think the worst part is I like how I look, but I feel like I shouldn't. My curls are tied up in a messy bun, a few strands pulled out to frame my face. The outfit though. High waisted black shorts with a few too many rips at the thighs which definitely gives away that Conner had more of a say in the outfit than he told me. The top is a soft minty green sweater then hangs off of one shoulder, but it's so soft. I had messed with the pastel green glitter and put it down the sides of my face... I liked it.

"Baby I can get you something else" Conner shouts back, but I've already opened the door letting him slip in.

"Fuck- okay. Let's skip the party" he groans as I let my eyes rack over him. He's got tight black jeans with rips from the top to bottom. A mint green button up tucked in at the bottom with the the top 3 buttons undone. His hands grab my sides before examining every part of me, finishing his look over with a pat on the ass.

"No I promised your teammates I wouldn't keep you in" I remind him. He's been skipping too many after parties to either cuddle or fuck me.

That being said I pull him into the room more before taking the glitter his sisters had put in the package and applied a few pats of it to his face. The same position as me besides he looks like a legitimate Greek god and I look like a glittery baby.

"You don't take any drinks given to you. If you want to drink, that is. Don't feel pressured." He tells me, pulling on his all black dress shoes.

I feel a bit weird pulling my converse on, but try to stay confident as we leave the hotel room. I stifle a laugh as another couple stumbles out. Troy and and his partner Eden. They're matching in red and both have flames expertly drawn onto their face most likely done by Eden.

"Aww aren't you guys the cutest!" Eden laughs pushing their boyfriend off of them to look us over.

"So are you guys!" I tell them and soon Eden and I are in the elevator stringing our boyfriends along as we discuss sharing an Uber and that quickly leads to us squeezing into an Uber. Which will suck now that I think about it. Two burly dudes, me being bigger. Eden is kinda tiny and right now all they got on is a long sleeve tight red crop top and red skirt with black fishnets. Troy has the same top, showing off his muscular build and baggy black pants paired with a red belt.

The Uber like I thought was jam packed, but still Eden and I giggled the whole time as our boyfriend's started to get handsy. When we finally got to the party though that's when my nerves started to kick in.

The music is loud and heard from outside and we still had to go up. Once up Eden and Troy disappeared . I quickly took Conner's hand as he led us into the dimly lit room, lights flashing everywhere. There's a lot of things going on.

"Do you want something to drink" he leans over to my ear making sure I can hear him clearly.

"Yes! Just a little" I yell back. He understands and leads us to a separate room where many people were still lounging around but there are also tables lined with drinks. Coolers full of canned drinks and solo cups stacked up.

Conner takes a can and opens it for me before taking one for himself. I cling tightly to his arm taking a big drink of the beer and cringing at the taste.

Conner laughs at the face I make, while he takes a drink of his beer. I stay on his arm as he talks with a few people, and soon the one beer turns to two and suddenly I find us beginning to dance. I'm weird about it, not sure what to do. My face goes insanely red when other compliments are shouted at me from drunken people.

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