Chapter 37

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"Oh how I did not miss classes" I murmur walking into a new class. It was a mandatory pop culture class that I needed for some credit, but god I was not fucking excited for it.

I hate school. Spending time away from it and actually having fun has made me realize how much I hate school. This feeling doesn't get any better when a certain brunette sits next to me.

"Hiya sweetheart" I get one good look at him before grabbing my stuff.

"Nope, bye Cash" I laugh immediately standing back up and turning to find a new spot to sit. This doesn't go well though as our professor clears her throat ready to start.

I groan and sit right back down not wanting to deal with trying to push through all these chairs while everybody is already seated.

"Hi". I turn away ignoring hin completely.

"Hey... come on can't we at least chat. I don't wanna be bored in class. Maybe we can have some fun under the desks" he leans in even closer and that's when I turn to him.

"I will be sitting somewhere else tomorrow if you say anything else to me I'll fucking kick you in the balls. That'll be the only thing that happens under the desk. Poor little Cash must have hit himself in the balls like the fucking idiot he is" I spit out my anger practically radiating off of me. I could see on his face that I was actually making him nervous. He goes still and turns his legs away from me his eyes wide and comically puts his hands up in surrender.

"Jesus you came back bitchier than before" I suck in a deep breath before turning back to Cash with a little smile.

"I am one more annoyance away from just punching you in the balls instead" his face goes white and he swiftly moves his hands to his lap.

"Right sorry. Got it turning away" he chuckles quietly. I pull out my notepad while also putting my phone face up, flicking through my messages. I don't have his scheduled memorized yet I'm not even sure he knows his new schedule yet.

'Are you in class?'

His response comes quickly which hints to me that he's bored.

'Nope, no more classes today' I smile at that honestly a little thankful.

'Can you please meet me outside of building B? The South entrance. At like 4:00. Pretty please' I ask sending lots of pouty face emojis. He types something quickly but then the three dots disappeared. I wait watching them appear again, biting my cheek when I see his response.

'What do I get in return? (of course baby)'

'What do you want? (Thank you)'

'I could think of many things that I want from you'

I put a hand over my face hoping I don't look as flustered as I feel.

'Well give me one thing and I'll see what I can do'

'What about singing for me?'

'Maybe some day... I'd rather have a guitar for some sort of support. I miss my guitar'

'I know my prince. Don't worry we'll figure something out. How about we wait for the singing and you just let me take some more pictures of you?'

'I think I can let that happen'

My smile is huge. I was practically kicking my feet back and forth.

'Is there a reason you want me to pick you up or do you just miss me that much?'

He asks. I look up to think about how I want to respond.

'I'll tell you in person. I'm going to focus now'

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