Chapter 32

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"Noooo my property" I groan as Mya lands on mine. Usually I would be happy with this; but the twins have this rule that makes all hell break loose. If you land on somebody's property and the die are both the same number you have to give them your property. I grumble a bit before handing her the card as she snickers and rubs her hand together. Kadeline reaches over and pats my back sympathetically.

Holden and Kayson were cuddled up on the couch and Alex and Trevor were next to them watching the TV. Well Kayson was cooing to the baby girl that had recently been adopted by Alex and Trevor.

I found out that Dante is aroace and just adopted his two which I think is really sweet. He's also in here reading with Leo on his lap and then Teddy is reading his own book. Most of the family is in here.

Conner and Madeline are preparing lunch right now though. I offered to help but was sadly rejected because they didn't want me lifting a finger.

"Mya. Kadeline. Get away from him." Kyan walks into the room his comment making the girls complain.

"Dad we're in the middle of a game!" Mya shouts back. Holden stands and I can tell he is ready to yell as Kyan heads straight for me.

"Now!" He shouts and their smiles turn to glares instead.

"Hey stop- don't get mad at him. I'll go." I tell the twins, standing up myself.

He steps closer and Holden quickly gets in the way pushing him back.

"Kyan stop you're not thinking. You're just being protective" Kayson who had followed his chaotic husband steps in. Kyan shakes his head before pushing Kayson out of the way which makes Holden go off. A long line of clever curses and insults are said followed by a smack to Kyan's arm. I swallow before stepping back into the ring of arguments.

"I- why do you hate me? What can I do-" I want to fix this but he cuts me off. Ready to tell me what's wrong with me.

"You're just like his exes using him for the popularity, the traveling, and the fame from his relatives. Exactly the same- hell if I put a picture of you next to them you'd probably look the same too. Did you change up your look for him to like you as well?" He shouts and I find myself shrinking back as the tears well in my eyes.

"No... I. I've always looked like this-". Do I really look like them... am I just a type that he likes. Maybe he doesn't even really like me. Is the way I look appealing to him? Like maybe it's only my looks and not me? I really don't have the looks though. This is fucking great. All I fucking needed.

"Just fucking get out of here. I know what you really are and we all do. I'll pay for the fucking Uber back. I want you out of my house". The screaming starts right after that. Holden is quickly screaming at his brother in law who of course yells back. Kayson stands protectively in front of his husband but also tries to calm the two. The baby starts to scream and cry, so Alex soon starts yelling because they upset the baby who had been up all night crying. The twins look close to tears and everybody else is just upset. I can hear all the other groans and comments.

"Sorry- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" the tears start to openly flow before I run up the stairs, hurrying to pack up my things. The yelling overpowers my cries so I don't hide my sobs as I try to jam everything back into my suitcase and my work into my bag.

The door flies open making me jump. I look over at the sudden noise and find Conner there, eyes wide and a rage covered face.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make them all yell" I try to muffle my cries even though he can obviously see my tear covered face.

"I'm just going to Uber back to the dorm. I- we can talk about us when you get back. Yeah- because I just I can't right now" I try to stand but immediately stumble back down.

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