Chapter 46

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I was aimlessly strumming on my new guitar which took me forever to do just from the fact that I wanted to cry every time I thought of my other one. When I finally seemed to work up enough confidence and get through my song once I start to sing softly along with it. I smile the whole time just happy. I'm happy.

Of course when the door opens I go silent but continue to play along with my song. The sad face I get from my boyfriend makes me pout a little but he doesn't say anything besides a quick hi as he shuts the door and sets his work down.

It's done. I have my guitar. I could play it for him. I could. I could sing for him. I think I want to but I'm scared. I'm so sacred.

"You okay, did something happen?" Conner asks and I look up stopping what I was doing with my fingers before taking a deep breath.

"Will you come sit next to me?" I ask and he hurries over slotting himself right beside me an arm wrapping around my torso before he kisses my cheek.

"What's up my prince?" He asks. I scoot myself away enough to make sure my guitar is up right and ready.

"Just... don't make fun of me" I grumble watching the way his brows furrow as he looks me over again.

"I would never, what exactly would I-" his eyes follow where I motion lifting my guitar up a bit more.

"Really? Oh- yeah I'm ready." He goes silent and I look away my face red.

"Give me twenty minutes to prepare myself... I'm scared" I admit my heart beating nonstop and god I have to do it now. I can't chicken out.

"Breathe and don't force yourself. I love you so much and don't care whether you sing to me, play for me or beat me across the head with Will" he teases making me laugh. His hand goes to my back as he slowly begins to draw patterns.

I bite the inside of my cheek and slowly start to play, but when I'm suppose to start singing nothing comes out, so I drop my head down.

Conner leans over and kisses my temple making me look at him. He smiles and pulls me in for a soft loving kiss his hand moving up from my back to mess with my curls.

"It's okay, don't upset yourself" I nod and start over again with another deep breathe. Here goes nothing.

"We started out from hate and I didn't think it'd come to this " my voice is low and quiet and I already messed up a note from just being so scared. The song did is a slow one and I feel like I've already rushed it. I also feel the way Conner completely freezes next to me but quickly goes back to massaging my scalp.

"Always clashing heads and never compromising" He chuckles at that line and it makes me smile as I continue to work through the notes on Will.

"Trying to break one another with our teasing toying kind of ways"

"What started off as hate has now... made itself into a different song" my voice finally goes up to the right range and I refuse to look over at my boyfriend really hoping he'll just tell me to stop already.

"It started off as hate but now we're lovers" I smile leaning against him more.

"Fighting to find a way to discover"

"I know our hearts never thought it'd be each other" I carry the note adding a little solo jazz to it but then immediately cringing at myself.

"But now I wouldn't want it any other way" I let my voice fade off as I focus on playing a few measures.

"What started as animosity"

"Has turned into a stronger chemistry"

"Surely a love that no one would have expected"

I sing through the chord again when his arms squeeze me tighter his lips pressing firmly to my head for a small kiss making me falter. I almost forgot I was singing for him.

"I don't want to dwell on the feelings any more."

"You saved me from the feeling that I wasn't able to shake"

"Whispered to me sweetly and held me through the night."

"Wipe away my tears and whisper baby it'll be alright" I smile at the line knowing he's done it so many times.

"We never saw it coming but I wouldn't want it any other way"

"My heart is in your hands and I hope you let it stay"

"What started off from hate has changed in many ways" I slow down on the guitar as I let my voice fade out. After two more measures on the guitar I pull away from Will and am met with silence. I quickly put the guitar down next to me and hide my face hearing him but refusing to move.

The hands on my sides suddenly yank me over until I'm pulled into Conner who feverishly kisses me. My eyes go wide, but I hurry to kiss him back. Before it goes anywhere or I can really understand what's happening he's pulling away a hand in my hair to keep me looking at him.

"Baby that was amazing! You wrote that!? Like made it all up in that beautiful head of yours!? Your voice! Cally you've got nothing to be insecure about. You sound amazing. Like fucking heavenly. Please sing to me every single night. Oh my god. My boyfriend is so talented. Sound so good. I'm so whipped. That was so good- I love you so much. Fuck- can't believe you wrote that for us" he starts rambling leaving kisses on my neck between each sentence as I onto him for dear life tears brimming my eyes.

"You actually liked it?" I ask a little taken aback by his mini rant.

"You are so beautiful. Your voice dear god making me fall in love with you more somehow. Didn't think that was possible. Please sing for me more, please. I will get on my knees and beg you baby boy" he whispers cupping my face and pulling me in for a peck.

"Thank you for singing for me. Thank you for writing that- can you sing it again?" I hadn't even processed what he said before.

"You really liked it?" my whole entire body goes slack in his arms and he nods rocking us back and forth on my bed.

"Yes I really really did" he says it again. I really don't know how but my body just sinks. I find tears filling my eyes as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I'll sing it to you whenever you want. It's your song... and I love you too. I know the song was simple and downright cringy... I wanna write you something better" I start to ramble but he pulls me back and makes me look at him.

"Don't belittle your talent. You wrote a beautiful song and honestly I could see you becoming someone very important just from that voice of yours. The low notes and even the higher ones. The way you put some much emotion into certain lines, my jaw was droped. I was and am still in awe" He goes silent before scooting us back onto the bed more.

"You okay?" He continues as my head falls back onto his shoulder.

"Mhmm I'm so happy right now, just feel content" I whisper and he nods laying us down on the bed. I close my eyes and cuddle into my boyfriend only opening them when he starts to move. I sit up with a pout and Conner sends me an apologetic look.

"Sorry baby, there is not room for three of us" he explains while moving Will to the floor. I smile and immediately fall back into his open arms.

"I wish everybody else could hear how beautiful you sound" he whispers his hands slipping under my shirt and grazing my skin.

"No- I almsot died singing for you" I whisper finding myself nuzzling into his chest. A hand goes to play with my hair again and I smile turning my head enough to press into his chest.

"I don't know what's going on right now but you're acting so cute" he whispers making me look up. The hand falls from my hair and caresses my face making me practically swoon.

"Was it all the praise? You should know you deserve it my prince." He murmurs and I find myself scooting up close to his face. His tan lips turn upright into this adorable grin. I don't know what's gotten into me but I literally just want him to squeeze me to death.

"Can we eat dinner up here today I wanna stay on you and I don't feel like making people uncomfortable" I murmur cuddling into his neck now that I've gotten high enough. He turns enough to leave a few kisses on my temple his hand once again in my hair, brushing it out of my face.

"Anything for my prince"

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