Three - Don't bring my ass into this

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Cherry's Pov

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Cherry's Pov

I walk down the stairs, rubbing my eyes feeling tired as fuck but it's my own fault i'm tired because i got home very late last night due to all the Cullens wanting to get to know me and Lilith a little better. They didn't ask questions about who she was even though it was kinda obvious who she was, but instead, they asked what her hobbies were and so on.

Dad didn't mind me staying out late, but Isabella had a problem with it because she kicked off massively as soon as i walked through the door. She screamed at me, accusing me of taking the cullens away from her. With how tired i was hearing her say that didn't even bother me, and i just ignored her, but that made her angry, so she upped her game.

She muttered a few homophobic insults that ended up with her on the floor unconscious with me towering over her and Lilith snarling in my head. There is one thing i do not tolerate, and that is homophobic insults or homophobic people. Because it doesn't matter what someone's sexuality is because everyone deserves respect and equality.

Dad didn't even yell at me for punching her.

Instead, he just picked her up and took her to her room, then came back down, offering me a beer which i didn't decline. I stayed with dad for about an hour before i went to bed, just telling him a bunch of lies about what I and the Cullens spoke about. I want to tell him about me being a demon, but i don't want to risk his life by dragging him into this fucked up  supernatural world.

I stop rubbing my eyes just as i get to the kitchen, and i see dad and Isabella eating their breakfast in complete silence. Isabella is sporting a bruised eye and i couldn't help but smirk at that because she deserved it for being a homophobic bitch. I wish I could have done more, but because i respect my father a lot, i didn't give her the full beating she deserved. She lifts her head to look at me only for her to look down at the table like it's the most interesting thing in the world.

I go to look at dad but freeze seeing Rosalie sitting beside dad pretending to drink some coffee. I know she is pretending because she told me last night that if they eat or drink anything, it makes them physically sick. She is glaring holes into the side of Isabella's head, who doesn't even know that the vampire in the room is plotting ways to kill her. I couldn't help but catch feelings for Rosalie as she glared at my little sister, but if anyone grew up the way i did, they would understand my hatred for Isabella.

Dad points at me and then points at the seat on the other side of him, and i know he is silently telling me to sit down. I walk over and sit beside him, mentally cursing at myself for not dressing appropriately before leaving my bedroom. Before i could even question what was going on, Rosalie slid a full coffee cup in front of me, and the smell of my favourite salted caramel flavoured coffee hit me full force. I couldn't stop my body from relaxing as i smelled the sweet scent of my coffee, i grabbed the cup with both hands and held it up under my nose, loving the smell.

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