Coffee Date

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"I hope Miguel will forgive me." You whisper to yourself as Pavitr carefully arranges the candles in front of you. "Are you sure this is a good idea? I don't think all this is necessary." You tell the boy as you gesture to your surroundings.

The cafeteria is looking much different than usual. First of all, it's empty. You have no idea how it's even possible, seeing as it's past three, a time that by many could be considered a rush hour.

You have a slight suspicion it may have something to do with Hobie disappearing for almost an hour and returning with a wide grin and pockets full of... something. You don't really want to know.

Apart from the whole place being empty, the lights are now dim, almost off, making it so that without spider senses one is sure to trip over their own legs while passing through the darkness.

Pavitr insisted that it's crucial for the 'mood'.

The table you're currently sitting at is fully set. It's covered with a red tablecloth and on top of it lie two plates, one for you and one for-

"Miguel will love this, I'm sure." Assures you Pavitr as he puts some kind of a glass vase in the middle of the table. You really want to believe him, but Gwen and Hobie snickering at your coffee joint is not helping.

You tried to stop the teens at first, but they just wouldn't take no for an answer. They said they 'want to be a part of this'. Whatever 'this' is, you're not sure. You assume they mean 'Miguel getting a date'.

The two of you discussed your love lives very briefly. You told him about how you used to date back in high school, but thanks to the whole Spider-Man business, you never really had a chance to reenter the dating scene.

Miguel didn't tell you about any of his ex-partners from before he founded Spider Society either, but you strongly doubt it's because they don't exist. He is way too attractive to have been single his whole life.

...or maybe the guy's just a workaholic and he never actually had the time. You have to talk to him about it later.

"If you say so." You answer Pavitr and get comfortable in your metal seat. He's rearranging a bouquet of sunflowers he put into the vase just a second ago. You lean in and give them a sniff. "Where did you even get those? They smell beautiful."

"I went home for a second and grabbed them from my balcony. My mom actually has a small garden there." He smiles, making sure the flowers look their best. "I figured they would be perfect for the occasion."

"They are, thank you Pavitr." You ruffle his immaculate hair and grin. You actually trust Pavitr with setting up your date, but the other two...

Your eyes wander to Gwen and Hobie. Gwen is sitting on the counter, going through her phone as she looks up 'romantic coffee ideas' on Pinterest. Every few seconds she shows what she found to Hobie, but so far the boy hasn't given her a positive response.

The Brit is busy tuning his guitar, an instrument you only heard of in stories, mostly about fighting bad guys. You hope it's capable of producing nonlethal sounds...

Gwen told you that you have nothing to worry about and should just sit tight, as she'll take care of everything. She supposedly arranged it so that Miguel will be here around 4.

You look at your watch again, staring at the 03:45 displayed on its screen.

Sigh, you wonder what Miguel's doing.

- - -

"...this makes no sense, the readings are bad, of course, but when I look at Earth-138's history of air pollution they're nothing if not ordinary." Miguel rests his chin on his hand, deep in thought. "What do you think Peter, should I send someone to investigate this?"

𝑪𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 [✔] {Miguel O'Hara x Gender-Neutral!Reader} Where stories live. Discover now