Chapter 23

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The rest of the day I did online shopping for wedding dresses

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The rest of the day I did online shopping for wedding dresses... Not my choice by any means but this was not the type of marriage I had wanted so seeking an ideal premise to shop for a white fluffy gown like a usual hyperventilating bride would have felt out of place somehow, especially without Carina's presence. I realized that this would be the first time I will buy something without her. My mood immediately took a sour turn at that, but I focused my mind on the surrounding scenario. Telling Kazimir about my will to have Carina's presence would make him suspicious about my family bonds. With my father and what he had done he can totally understand why I would never want to see his face but my mother... Anyone would ask why I hadn't even taken her name even once specially when I am going to get married.

I had heard this one common thing about women in abused marriages is that they either never had a good relation with their family or the husband made sure their wife didn't see her family, made her isolated in her life. so they felt the only person in their life was the abusive husband and no on else. But Kazimir's family condition was as twisted as mine.

Kazimir's penthouse, even without the presence of any third person, screamed that a lot was going to change and we will be having a hectic schedule in the coming days. The blinders covering the floor-to-wall ceiling were wide open, and the door leading to the balcony was ajar, allowing fresh air to sweep through. The horror feeling of getting startled by an extraterrestrial being was wiped out from my brain as it started to look like a home. The movers were scheduled to come today, but since Ruslan was preoccupied, Kazimir decided to do it all by himself.

"That's it, that's fucking it." I shriek as I unscrew the bolt from the wall. Pushing it down as the bars clank against the floor. I wonder if that was the screw to my brain or this cage. It was all sort of blurry now. Neither Kazimir had told nor did it occur to me to ask where we were with the prenup, and what Valerius said about the potential truce or why hadn't any of the phones in the house had rang indicating that someone from the outside world was worried about me. We could be having a total zombie apocalypse and I wouldn't know of it. it's really true when they love is the seventh sense that destroys all the other six senses. The present proof, I was helping Kazimir remove the bars of my cage. I wonder if I had sharpened my nails, I would have unscrewed them without the help of a screwdriver.

"You will need a screwdriver. They won't open that easily." Kazimir spoke, reading through my thoughts.

"Fuck, I needed them." I spat. "I would have sharpened my nails and unscrewed them." I argue like an idiot anyway.

"And what would have unlocked the system?" A stupid idea was on the tip of my tongue, but I held it back and rolled my eyes in defiance.

"Where did you buy the stuff, anyway? IKEA... Leftover from the debauchery?" I speak sassily, baiting him.

"Custom made for the club. They give you a fallacy of bondage. No one actually was hurting anyone. It is completely casual and consensual. With a strip club on the top floor." He spoke simply about the place where he had kept me in the initial days of my captivity, as he unscrewed another one. My thoughts momentarily wavered as he flexes his shoulder, watching his muscles ripple. Ever since I have seen his naked upper body, I don't want him to wear a shirt ever again.

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