Chapter 16

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Vikram approached Vidhi's bedside with a mix of concern and sternness in his voice as he gently roused her from sleep. Vidhi, anticipating her brother's disapproval for playing in the rain, braced herself for his scolding.

However, Vikram's expression softened as he took in her condition, lifting her tenderly into his arms. Just then, Vidyunt arrived with food provided by Naina, intended to help Vidhi take her medication and rest.

Setting the food down, Vidyunt gestured for Vikram to feed her. "Bacha, open your mouth, have food first," Vikram encouraged, spooning the nourishing meal towards her waiting lips.

Meanwhile, Naina, sensing Rajendra's melancholy, resolved to bring him dinner. Despite his initial reluctance, she insisted, refusing to let him retire for the night on an empty stomach.

Knocking softly on the door, Naina waited until Rajendra permitted her entry. Placing the food on the table, she gently urged him to eat. "Dad, You eat," she encouraged. Rajendra, initially hesitant, relented under Naina's persistent persuasion, knowing he couldn't resist her caring nature for long. Thus, he relented and ate a little, succumbing to both hunger and her gentle insistence.

Vikram tenderly offered water to Vidhi after she finished her meal, his gaze lingering on her face with concern. Administering her medication, he carefully guided her to lie down, gently brushing aside strands of hair to place a tender kiss on her forehead. Softly, she murmured, "bhaiya, you stay with me," to which he obliged, cradling her head in his lap.

Ensuring she was snugly wrapped in the blanket, Vikram stayed by her side, knowing how much comfort she found in his presence during illness. For Vidhi, there was no one else she needed but her beloved brother in times of sickness.

Meanwhile, Naina emerged from Rajendra's room, her attention drawn to Vidyunt and Ved seated at the dining table. Confirming that Rajendra had eaten, she encouraged the brothers to do the same.

As Vidyunt began to serve himself, Naina intervened, noticing his gesture. "Both of you already have plates," she remarked gently.

"For you," Vidyunt replied, meeting her gaze with a silent plea.

Understanding their unspoken effort, Naina quietly joined them at the table, opting not to disrupt the moment with words. Observing their contented meal, particularly Vidyunt's evident enjoyment, she couldn't help but smile, knowing his fondness for her cooking.

With a sense of warmth, Naina savored her own dinner alongside them, grateful for the bond they shared. Eventually, as the meal concluded, each retired to their respective rooms, the evening's tensions eased by the simple act of sharing a meal together.

Vikram remained by Vidhi's side throughout the night, silently watching over her as she slept. Despite the mischief she often caused, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of protectiveness towards his little sister.

Exhausted from the night's vigil, Vikram eventually succumbed to sleep, his head resting on the edge of the bed.

The next morning, Rajendra, awakening to a new day, made his way to Vidhi's room to check on her. Upon finding Vikram asleep beside her, he gently placed a hand on her forehead, relieved to find her fever had subsided.

Satisfied with her improved condition, Rajendra quietly left the room, only to encounter Naina on her way down. Her smile warmed his heart as she offered him tea, a small gesture of kindness that he gratefully accepted.

Meanwhile, Vikram stirred from his slumber, realizing he had drifted off with his head on the bed. After briefly checking on Vidhi's fever, he settled back beside her, finding solace in her peaceful sleep.

As the clock struck 10:00, Vedansh and Vidyunt made their way downstairs, catching the tantalizing scent of aloo paratha wafting from the kitchen. Excitedly, they entered to find Naina preparing the savory breakfast.

"Let's have breakfast," Naina invited cheerfully, prompting Vidyunt to inquire about Vikram's whereabouts.

"He hasn't come down yet; he may have slept with Vidhi last night," Naina explained casually, indicating her understanding and acceptance of Vikram's devotion to his sister.

Naina, sensing the need to rouse Vidhi from her slumber, urged Vidyunt to go and wake them, emphasizing the importance of Vidhi eating something. However, Vidyunt hesitated, aware of Vikram's possible anger towards him and preferring to avoid confrontation. With a nervous smile, he deferred to Naina, urging her to go instead.

Observing their hesitation, Naina gently insisted, "Are you sure?" With their reluctant affirmation, she left them to their hunger, taking a seat and encouraging Ved to eat, despite his nervous demeanor.

Meanwhile, Vidhi stirred from her sleep, greeted by the comforting sight of her brother sleeping beside her. The warmth of their shared moment washed over her, filling her with a sense of longing for his presence.

As the door creaked open, Vidhi instinctively closed her eyes, anticipating Ved's arrival. However, when she felt a gentle touch on her head, she knew it wasn't her brother—it was Naina.

Naina entered the room, her heart softening at the sight of Vidhi and Vikram together. Smiling softly, she placed a hand on Vidhi's head, relieved to feel her fever had subsided.

As Vikram slowly opened his eyes, he felt a gentle sensation on his face—a stray tendril of hair brushing against his skin. However, by the time his eyes fully adjusted to the scene, Naina had already withdrawn her hand and moved away from the bed.

As Naina's hand grazed Vikram's face, he slowly opened his eyes, catching her gaze. Blinking nervously, Naina stammered, "It is too late, so that's why...wake up, and Vidhi needs to eat something."

Vidhi couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in Naina's presence, despite the underlying tension between the siblings. Though Naina had rarely visited their room before, Vidhi appreciated her concern and knew it would mean a lot to Vidyunt, who had erected walls between himself and his siblings.

As Naina leaves the room, Vikram gently tugs at Vidhi's ear and says, "I know you're awake, so get up already."

Vidhi responds with a cute expression, asking, "Bhaiya, how do you always know?"

Vikram chuckles at her adorable face and remarks, "Now you're feeling better, huh?" Vidhi confirms with a nod, and Vikram advises her, "Alright, go take a bath and then grab something to eat. I think I smell aloo paratha."

Under her breath, Vidhi agrees, "Yes, I also love the smell of aloo paratha. It's so yummy." However, Vikram overhears and chuckles knowingly.


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