Book Club Questions

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Hi Readers! I know some of you love, love, LOVE a good book for your book club(s). If you are in an existing club or looking to start a new one, here are some questions to discuss and reflect upon together for this novel, Killing Me Softly. I would love to read some of your answers! Feel free to either drop them as comments here in Wattpad or send me an email at I would absolutely LOVE to hear from you! I can't thank you enough for taking the time to read this novel, but THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOUUU!

1. It seems the narrator of the book (Delilah) might be frozen in time with her feelings for Theo, still holding onto that same crush she had on him from when she was a teenager. If you did not know the age of the narrator (Delilah), how old would you think she is? Do you think she's a little immature when it comes to love and relationships? Why or why not?

2. We have all had a secret crush at some point in our lives, right? Did you have a high school crush, someone you were out-of-your-mind in love with back in high school or grade school? If so, who was he/she? Was it a secret crush, or did you eventually tell them? If you didn't tell them back then, would you ever look them up now and confess it to them? Feel free to share your story or skip this question altogether if you fear your crush finding out about you.

3. Social media can be ultimately deceiving and dangerous. Do you think Delilah shouldn't have injected herself into the situation? If not, the book would not have happened, but do you think social media is a good thing or a bad thing when it comes to keeping up with old classmates / friends / family? Why or why not?

4. Sometimes we like to reminisce about the past. Have you ever wanted to live in the past or change a relationship in the past? Why or why not?

5. We like to think we know people and can trust them. Do you think Donnie took the photos of his half-sister Mary Jo, or do you think it could have been a setup by her husband Theo instead? Why or why not? 

6. Amelia is a very small, minor character in the story. Do you think the novel could have gone without her? Why or why not?

7. How did you feel about Jamie Wilson? The horrible nickname and bullying that Jamie experienced drove him to be a police officer. Do you find him to be a believable character? Do you think he was involved in Mary Jo's murder? Why or why not?

8. Have you ever experienced groupthink or "small town mentalities" before? How did you feel about it? Do you think it is better to move away and hide in a big city like Delilah did? Why or why not?

9. It is difficult to think that a loved one, such as a husband or brother or friend, can be so cruel. Do you think Donnie's actions were any less evil, just as evil, or more evil than Theo's? Why or why not?

10. Nothing is certain in life, but do you think Delilah made the right decision in the end? Should she have done something different? What would you have done in her shoes?


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