Heed my warning please

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I narrowed my eyes upon his beasty pale face; like a mouse in the presence of a hungry cat.

Like a spider's cobweb, numerous blood veins and capillaries, huge and small, mapped the man's entire face and downwards past his neck. And to make it even more worse, they were all darkie in colour despite the man himself being dark chocolate in complexion. His eyes looked so strange too, inhuman and scary. They looked so similar to those of a fox, and ghostly black were the eyelids.

It was a sight that almost brought our hearts into our mouths.

"I believe by now you know exactly why i didn't want you too close" the stranger said, observing us keenly "by the way, you can call me Chris".

"You're very correct Chris, though we're extremely baffled still. I am David and the lady beside me is Liz" i replied without hesitating. Liz was still out of words.

Chris forced a weak smile.

"Pleased t.." he coughed three times and continued "t-to meet you both. Please don't be scared of me. Am not a threat to you at all if you observe a safe distance between us. And one more thing please, stop staring at me as if am a scary-looking ghost"

Was he any different anyway?

But all the same, his choice of words kind of convinced me to weld some pity towards him and i sincerely felt sorry for him.

"Y-your face, w-why does it look like.....like t-that?" Liz finally managed to speak, though she lacked enough courage to point directly at his face directly.

The man attempted a smile again, only to be overwhelmed by painful coughs and chills.

He cleared his throat. Having recovered a bit.

"I-it is this way b-because of that same infection rampaging the city now as we speak" the stranger started to delineate betwixt desultory coughs and sneezes "i...i..well, i believe there is more to t-this infection than what we're s-seeing or hearing about it. Am very c-certain that there is s-something sinister transpiring deep inside my body but what am not quite s-sure of is how much more time is left of me b-before i succumb to d-darkness like the rest" he stopped and blew his nose.

"Succumb to darkness?" i asked inquisitively.

"David, it simply means that my death is due anytime from now" the stranger elaborated "as for you..." he paused again, sneezed and then continued "y-you can still leave this town s-safely before it gets too late for you. I must also apprise you t-that a complete City lockdown is likely any t-time from now. All y.."

Liz chimed in abruptly "A lockdown seriously? Are....are you even certain about it or you're just trying to frighten us?"

The stranger took some time to respond as if pondering about something, though he didn't seem agitated at all.

Who was this man anyway and how come he knew that much?

"P-please c-cool down Miss. Just know that it is only for your own good am telling you this. Why should i toy or deceive you when am not even sure whether i will be alive the next second? See, i have come all the way from the infection epicenter and trust me, i have descried and amassed a lot more than you two combined. This malady is affecting majority in so many disparate ways and the way i appear before you now is just a single example. Please be heedful and scarper from the city and if possible, isolate yourselves from the public. You've been very amiable and humane to me during my final moments and i abhor letting you succumb to the same fate as me..."

He continued, but more somberly now "i warn you, leave the city as soon as possible. Avoid any close contact with strangers no matter whether they're your family, friends or loved ones. Also to be safe, secure as much protective face masks and gloves you happen to stumble upon along the way. Wear them always and don't dare take chances and resist touching anything you encounter on your way. Always remember to maintain a safe distance from anybody until you're sure more than twenty one days have completely elapsed. That is when you'll be sure someone is healthy and not ill.." he stopped and started coughing.

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