drawing conclusions 101

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Karthik brought in two carton boxes of groceries inside Lalitha Paati's house, wondering why he had been summoned for delivery when Anjali had been the one buying their groceries every two weeks on the way home. It was puzzling but it didn't feel strange. He had been doing it for years.

Lalitha paati ushered him inside and asked him to keep the groceries in the kitchen as if he didn't know. He smiled and made a beeline for the kitchen. When he came back to the dining hall, Lalitha paati made him sit with a glass of water and coconut candy to occupy him as she headed inside the kitchen to unpack the groceries and check the list.

He took a look around the house and found it to be very quiet. It was strange since today was a Sunday and Anjali would be in the house. Only then he noticed the fan spinning in the living room. He frowned and went ahead to switch it off only to find Anjali curled up on the sofa, her right hand hanging off the cushion. He hadn't noticed her when he walked in.

Karthik couldn't help but smile to himself. She was in a peach-coloured t-shirt and chequered pastel cotton pants that drowned her legs, but she was beautiful as ever. Only a few people can look beautiful even in their sleep and it came as no surprise to him that Anjali was one among them.

He went towards the couch and crouched next to it. When Anjali had told him her story that day, he'd felt a strong urge to do something unspeakably horrible to the people who hurt her and protect her forever. Karthik wanted to pull her to his chest and hold her tight and never let go. It was scary because he had never felt this strongly for any other woman. Spending time with her often made him feel like he was losing himself but at the same time discovering someone new within himself. The feeling was quite addicting.

Karthik gently held the hand that was hanging off the cushion and tucked it in next to her head. He tugged the blanket which was scrunched up near her legs and pulled it over her.

"She was doing something on her laptop all night and ended up falling asleep on the sofa. Look at her. Sleeping like a rock. It's almost 9: 30 in the morning!" Lalitha paati said, walking into the living room. Karthik immediately pulled his hands off her and stood up.

"It's a Sunday. Leave her be, paati," he said. "She's working so hard to bring a smile to others' faces."

"That she is," she sighed. "But there's no one working hard to bring a smile to hers."

"What do you mean?"

"She is lonely. She won't admit it but it's the truth. I want her to be happy, you know," Anjali's grandmother's face saddened. "But she's been smiling a lot since she met you here. She talks about you almost every day. Tanya too."

Karthik's cheeks heated. For some reason, he wanted to look away.


"Why don't you take her to the exhibition that's happening in Kawanpur today?" Lalitha paati suggested.

His eyes narrowed. It was strange since his mother also suggested the same thing this morning. What was happening?

He wasn't a big fan of these monthly exhibitions. He thought it was a waste of time and money. Karthik would have outright rejected the idea but he found himself considering it. It was a tempting opportunity to spend more time with Anjali without the prying eyes of the town. Tanya could also spend some time with Anjali since she had been nagging him about it.

"It's a long drive, paati. Four hours back and forth. I have no problem taking Anjali. It'll be a nice outing for Tanya as well. But it will be tiring. Will she be up for it?" he asked.

"Oh please. This one loves trinkets and spending time with you and your little girl. She'll be the first one who's ready to go," she said, handing him the money she owed for the groceries. "Call her and invite her. She'll be thrilled."

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