7. Kidnapped

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I blinked several times until my eyes could adjusted the lights and then I slowly opened my pester eyes. First of all a white ceiling came into view. Then I looked around and realized I was in a small bedroom. Every piece of furniture in the room was white. I slowly raised myself in a sitting position. I didn't know how long I was passed out.

Then everything flashed in my mind about how they had kidnapped me and tortured my family. I had seen my father's and granny's lifeless body was falling on the floor. I didn't know where mom and Ellerie were.

What if everyone was dead, my heart ached painfully thinking about it. If I had done everything that he wanted, my parents would've been alive now.

My innocent baby brother would've played with his favourite remote controlled car. My funny, grumpy and loving granny would've been alive too. I still remember how she had collected different kinds of roses for me when I wished to plant various rose's plants on my balcony.

It was all my fault, my selfishness, my foolishness and my underestimation for that man which brought me here and ruined my happiest family.

I cried loudly in repentance and agony even though my eyes and lungs gave up and my head was pounding painfully.

I tried to find a way to escape from this room but the white wooden door was locked behind and there was no window in the room. And it made me more crazy.

I started throwing things here and there though this room had almost nothing, just a bed, a closet, nightstand, a small coffee table and a single couch.

I screamed and flipped the mattress and sheet harshly and threw them on the floor. I shattered the small wooden coffee table on the floor and it broke into pieces. Clutching my hair with my both hands I collapsed on the floor and cried hard.

A few moments later, the door opened emphatically and someone started approaching me slowly. I was shaking in hatred, anger, at the same time in fear.

I looked up and saw he was standing in front of me, wearing a black leather jacket, a black shirt underneath, black jeans and black shining shoes. He looked devilishly handsome but deep down he was a heartless, merciless monster who destroyed my life, my family, my future and everything.

"What the fuck is this?" He said in a calm tone looking around.

What did he expect me to do? He kidnapped me and my family suffered for him, I didn't even know if they were alive or not. Then what did he expect from me?

I just didn't want to talk to this son of a bitch right now so I pulled my knees on my chest and wrapped them by my arms. Dipping my face between my knees, I let my tears fall silently and prayed that he'd leave me alone.

But he grabbed my hair abruptly and pulled me up on my feet, making me look at him. I cried out in pain and dug my nails on his hand but he showed no emotions.

"When I ask a question, you better look at me and answer it from next time. Understand?" He grabbed my jaws painfully by the other hand as I felt it'd break in any moment.

"I won't. What'll you do? Kill me? Then do it." I hissed in pain and gritted my teeth.

His eyes started gleaming in anger. I felt the grip of my hair and jaws released and before I could blink, a tormenting slap landed on my right cheek with full force. I fell on the bed and for a few moments I couldn't see anything. The pain was so unbearable and burdensome that my breath stopped for a few seconds.

He again grabbed my hair and threw me toward the wall like I weigh nothing but a tennis ball, but I lost my balance and my head crushed on the nightstand. I screamed in pain. I felt something warm was rolling down on my ear. I looked at him in horror and placed my hand on my earlobe. When I brought it back to see what it was, my eyes went wide and I screamed with all my energy.

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