Chapter 1

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As I was sleeping I heard my mom calling me, 'Stacy... Wake up your almost late for class'.
Well guys that's my alarm clock.
I did all my things in the morning and wore my uniform.
Mom it's okay see only breakfast then am off
"Yes dear but I don't want you to be late and don't forget to come early sweetie I got for you a surprise for you Mon cherie."said Mom

I took my bicycle and rode to school. Meanwhile                    
Hey Stacy with are are going to now
I'm going to History ahhhhh....
Don't worry it's our last year bish
Yes bishhh

Okay then as I was walking I entered class and took my spot at the back I always loved the back spots..
As Tr.Fred was teaching we heard gunshots.... Everyone was scared even our teacher
As we were almost going outside some men wearing black starting coming with guns shooting the ceiling one of them said" Everybody get down or else
I will shoot you"
Girls and the teacher screamed the men said that we should shut up or else.

They started separating males from females
Some were choosing girls.. We never knew why but no need wanted to ask or just protest... We were so fucking scared they choose nine girls as one started coming to me " Oh yeah baby you are gonna make us so much money, boss this one too she is a hottie" he said

I realized the girls they were choosing were those they were go sell how did I wake up to this day I wish I was at home with my mom....
They started telling us to make in line . One of the boys wanted to help but he ended up dead. So other were wise not to lose their lives like that...

As we were walking we saw other girls to taken like us from different classes they made sure we were out then they put some black bags over our heads... We were sobbing miserably..
As I was sobbing and I couldn't see anything I felt a slight stinging pain on my neck then I realized one of the bastards just injected me...

I started feeling drowsy.. I slept off.


As the girls were being dragged to the airship to as cargo
They were going to be taken to Europe but in Italy..
As that was happing after kidnapping the girls they left
After that the teachers and the staff called the police
..... It was a big issue in the country because Human trafficking was done...
The news reporters were their
Stacy's mom got a call.... The call shocked her and the gift she had bought her daughter was a nice Car.... She drove to school...
Where's my daughter mom you are not allowed to go beyond this territory.... My baby can't be dead right she is fyn
As they conducted and the witnesses observed theyvwere 40 girls taken by the kidnappers thy got each girl the parents of each girl started crying.
Those who their children grieved....

Stacy's mom just fainted
... It was observed that they got the worst shock of their lives...
All News stations were talking about the incident that happened today
They have no clues of why
Where and How they managed to sneak the girls out....

*The Kidnapping Of 40 girls at Kawesi Academy*

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Thank you.

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