❄️Ambrosia Promise❄️

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Creativity: 5/15
I do feel like this is fascinating creativity. It isn't very clear because it goes from past to present and is like a lot of jumbleness. I feel like it needs to be transparent regarding certain things. It'll start with the story talking about the mother and how she lost her parents, and then it'll go to the guy who raised her. But then it goes to something else. Many things are going on, and nothing's just one topic at a time. It's like a whole bunch of stuff, so the story gets really confusing for me. Because it will start at one thing and then go to another thing and then go to another thing. And it's like the author has too many ideas, but they're not breaking it off or not breaking it down enough so that the story flows nicely.

Originality:15 /15
There is a good amount of originality there, which I can say is true regarding the story itself.

Storytelling:5 /15
I feel like the story is telling all over the place. I don't feel like it's well-written when it comes to storytelling. There are too many ideas and not enough indexes for it. The author throws everything together and doesn't take the time to break things down. So it's like you start off one idea, and then you jump into another instead of finishing that idea.

Character: 10/15
I feel like when it comes to the characters, there's not enough detail. I feel like there should be more of a backstory or something when it comes to the characters. I don't want to say I couldn't connect with the characters. But some of the characters were confusing.

Story Flows: 15/15
I didn't see anything wrong when it came to grammar and anything. It was written very nicely, and the structure flowed very well.

Cover Design: 15/15
I felt like the cover was beautiful

Final Thoughts:10 /10
At the end of the day, the story needs to be rewritten, or the author's ideas need to be precise. I feel like they just jumped too much into everything they were trying to accomplish; it took away from the story because you didn't know what was going on. I feel like they need to break down everything from how she lost her parents to how the one guy became her adoptive parents to the past and then back to the present. I feel like they just jumped too much and didn't give the reader time to understand what was happening.

Chapters I read:1 I tried to read more, but Wattpad is acting funny and keeps telling me I'm not logged in

Total points:  75

Summary of the book:

"Promises are invisible ties, binding hearts with words unspoken."In a world shattered by tragedy, Sheira embarks on a relentless quest to unveil the secrets behind her parents' death. As humanity confront a menacing threat that looms over them, their resolute unity will be tested like never before. She joins her comrades on a pulse-pounding journey, trust hangs by a thread, and the fate of everything they hold dear hangs in the balance.What are they fighting against? Who is their enemy? With the help of her friends and comrades, she sets off on her journey! CONTAINS PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL VIOLENCE


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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