❄️In The Thorns Of A Castle❄️

215 4 37

Creativity: 10/15
Okay, the creativity is definitely there, but I have one critique regarding this. I thought this was a Cinderella story, although it does sound like a Cinderella Story to some degree. It also feels like a Mother Goose-type story, like all the Mother Goose put into one. But then again, I get confused because it has Mary Mary Quite Contrary. So I was confused about this one, but all in all, the creativity is there. It's confusing me with that one.

Originality: 15/15
It's not an original story. The retake is unique, even if it's a retake of Like A Cinderella Story. It's definitely different than I thought, but I like remakes if you do them right. Suppose you can do a good remake of a particular story, even if it's a Disney or Pixar story. You are doing an outstanding job because those are hard to do. I've read some of them in the past, and I think one that I read was a Mulan one, which was beautiful. This is one of those stories where it's Unique and its way, but it's not a bad way. It's an exciting way.

Storytelling: 15/15
I can honestly say that the storytelling is there for me. It feels like I opened a book from a fairy tale, and that's what I'm reading. Still, I also feel like some things don't need to be there after I'm done reading the book, like the ending. The author talks a lot about who they would have, and I would say it's like two to three pages of rambling. You don't need that, and it's not something that needs to be in your book. You can tell that you love who you're writing about because of how the story shines. You don't need to put anything else at the end of the day. Let the readers read your story and have them imagine who would play each character if your story ever became a movie. Because, at the end of the day, the storytelling is very much there.

Character:15 /15
I must say I love the characters and how they did the story. It's exciting to see the characters and read about the characters and the story and how they did this type of story because it is like a remake of Cinderella. And it's delightful the characters are there. I can connect to the characters. They have their ups and downs, and that's what's important.

Story Flows:15 /15
The flow of the story is very well written. I didn't see anything wrong or in grammar errors. Everything sounded right and flowed very nicely, so the story went smoothly at the end of the day.

Cover Design: 5/15
I must say, I am very disappointed in the cover for such a beautiful story. I feel like the cover does not represent the story, which is why the story isn't getting a lot of reads. Because the cover doesn't represent what the story is about. Now, if the author finds somebody on this site to do a cover for them, Or even a place that's a different site to do a cover for them, I'm not saying pay money but like how this site does like their payments of follows or reads our votes, etc., etc. And they get that perfect cover to represent their book. The book would be phenomenal, which I feel would get much notice.

Final Thoughts:10 /10
I decided to start putting more of my thoughts down here because I think I'm putting them a lot in the other categories, so this is where my final thoughts will be. It's like free 10 points. I feel that YouTube videos will always be a crutch or something they don't need to be in a story, which is because, like today. I was reading this fantastic story, and because of the YouTube videos, every time I paused, they would pause for a few seconds and then replay. And that took away from the story, so I had to turn down my whole volume to read it because they distracted me. Besides that, I think the story is outstanding, but it reminds me more of nursery rhymes than A Cinderella Story, but it is not bad. It's an exciting story to read, and I enjoyed it. I would recommend this story; the author should be proud of what they have done.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:  85

Summary of the book:

A princess turned into a queen to save her kingdom. Royalty and sacrifice are in her blood. Ps. This is a retelling of Brothers Grimm "Rapunzel." I changed a few things but these are 110% my words and creative writings for you to read when you can. Please remember to like passages you thought were good or okay, comment, and view this book! Self-written, self-published, and edited at home. It takes me a while to create ideas from scratch. I really REALLY have to think about them and then get them down on paper to where I like it being written by me. I am very excited about this story about Rapunzel. And I was so interested in Rapunzel's story of love for people and her unwavering courage. She is also based on Mary Stuart from Scotland. #brothersgrimm #fairy-tales #fantasyThis is a story about Queen Mary Margaret Watson. An English Queen. Woke up with her name in my head and had to write it down. Don't know where her story is going to go yet, though. Started writing: January 3rd 2021. This story is for children and young adults who enjoy reading and for mental health advocates. I wrote this and these are my words. Cross my heart. It takes a while to develop ideas. I don't have anything right away as I write. I have to really think about it and what I want to accomplish for it. I have thought about it for days in my waking state. (A children's novel self-published on January 3rd 2021 at home. I really wanted to do this one. I have mentored kids before at my school and love working with them. It was a good experience to have for me to be able to do something good and meaningful and uplifting to do for a career besides writing books all day....) UPDATED OFTEN. IN THE PROCESS OF BEING WRITTEN AS A BOOK RIGHT NOW. I DON'T HAVE ANY PLANS OTHER THAN FINISHING THIS STORY. I'VE BEEN WORKING ON IT AND TRYING TO KEEP IT GOING. This is a children's story and young persons story I wrote on my own after getting people interested in my stories and everything. Ongoing novel.))))))


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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