❄️Falling For Jackson Again!❄️

46 7 4

Creativity:15 /15
I find that the creativity in the story is outstanding. I love the Friendship and how the author wrote this story. It's sad but good at the same time.

Originality: /15
I definitely think there is originality there. I think it's more of the Friendship than she loves him per se. I love their Friendship, and I hope it continuously blossoms.

Storytelling: 15/15
I find that the storytelling is very different. It's love, but it's also a friendship, and you're not sure how it will end up, but it's a good thing it's like you get to see her life unravel, and his life's unravel as well, and they try to figure out everything together.

Character: 15/15
I actually love the characters, and I love how well they connect to each other. I can relate to the girl well because I feel like she's going through a lot with her feelings and reconnecting with her best friend, but he also doesn't know how to act around her.

Story Flows: 15/15
I think the story feels very nicely. There are no grammar errors. I didn't see anything that sounded off. Everything sounded and flowed very nicely.

Cover Design:10 /15
I like the cover, but I'm not in love with it. I feel like the cover still does not represent the story as it should.

Final Thoughts: 10/10
At the end of the day, I think the story is really good, but the cover needs a little work. I think the author needs to find a cover that either represents more of the guy or more of the girl or have them both together. But all in all, this story is terrific, and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:  95

Summary of the book:

"Yeppuda!" my baby brother, Max, exclaimed, clapping his tiny hands and bouncing with excitement as he plopped onto my lap. I chuckled, attempting to calm him down. "What did you teach him this time, Jackson?" I shifted my attention from Max, who was playfully tugging at my hair, to Jackson, whose gaze was locked with mine. "What?" I inquired, feeling a delightful flutter in my stomach. "Yeppuda," he replied, his smile growing wider. "And what does that mean?" I asked, my mind muddled by the unfamiliar word. "It means... pretty," he revealed, his words causing my heart to skip a beat. "Pretty Mia," he murmured, and my situation suddenly felt a little bit better. Should I just ditch Ethan?


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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