43. The tormenting Night 🩸

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Ranveer POV

After applying the medicinal paste on her wounds, I had carried her to the bed, and now she was lying over me, like a baby. He legs were curled inside, and her entire figure was perfectly resting on the trunk of my body. Her smooth fingertips were encircling my nipples, and her soothing warm breath was calming me down.

I pecked her forehead, and she lifted her pretty little face to look at me. Her doe eyes met mine, and I felt enchanted. I don't know what happened to me, when I heard her scream. She was calling my name when that bastard had attacked her, and this awakened the animal in me, who decimated that demon, mercilessly.

She was small, but chubby. I teased her tomato cheeks, and it bounced a little, earning her pout from her. My fucking mind started imagining her cheeks down there bouncing the same way. Fuck! I can't think like that.

"You've gained weight recently, hn?"

I inquired, pecking her cheek.

"You feed me extra food, that's the reason."

She pouted, and pecked my nipple.

"You look good like this." I complimented her

"You want me to be fat?" She asked, arching her brows in a line. Why was she being so cute?

"Hey! Stop being so cute. It is becoming difficult for me to control myself." I groaned

Her small hands began caressing my abs, and she lifted her head up.

"Did I ask you to control yourself?" She muttered, curling her lips inside her mouth.

"You're going to unlock the wild side of me, Chitra!" I locked my lips with her.

"Senapati ji!" A sentinel called my name.

Putting Chitra aside, I replied from inside the opened curtains.

"What's wrong?"

"Samrat has asked for your presence, immediately."

I think the bastards, whom I poisoned last night, are dead now. After the sentinel left, I asked Chitra to go inside the interior chamber. I parted the curtains and came outside the chamber, heading towards Samrat. The assholes who had raped Rashmi last night, were given kupilu by me. Its seed resembles a tablet, and they work, when consumed after crushing. The death becomes severely painful, since it bends the body in opisthotonous or emprosthotonous position. All the soldiers must have died like this, creating a panic wave amongst everyone.

"May I come in, Samrat?"

As expected, he was seated on the magnificent couch, sipping on the usual virile drink. He hummed, and I moved inside.

"All those soldiers were here last night!" He stated, and I nodded

"Samrat, Purab killed them." I proclaimed, earning a stunned expression from him.

"What the hell are you saying, Vikrant?" His brows arched in a line, in astonishment.

"Yes, Samrat! He was planning it yesterday. Infact the plant he used, it's called kupilu, a deadly poison." I averred, with inscrutable disposition.

"But he is dead!" He exclaimed, and I tilted my head to meet his gaze, acting surprised.

"WHAT?" I inquired, acting aghast.

"Yes! He is dead now." He whispered, a line of stress visible on his forehead. My mind ran to Khyati. Oh Fuck! Purab was her prey, and he died before the sacrifice. She must have become vulnerable now, but did she have any back-up?

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