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It was hard,hard for me baby to love you.Every time I saw you I only had a vision of my oro ,lying in a pool of blood.
I know what he did was wrong,I wanted to hate him ,but I can't. A part of me still craved for him.

The police are investigating further in the cases.I was shocked to hear that, he have killed more than a hundred people, including kids and babies.

I never expected my life to turn out like this. I knew that oro hated kids,but I would have never imagined it would be this extent.

I know that the horrors he experienced in his childhood made him like this. But what he did to those babies were unforgivable .

I have lost my support, my partner,my friend who was besides me in every part of my life. No ,he was not the same oro who cried when I cried too. He was a serial killer who murdered countless innocents. I am not going to grieve for him anymore.

The one thing that confused me was the way he talked to me when I found out his bloody truth. He talked as if I already knew about it. Everytime I think about it,I get a severe headache.

The doctor says that ,it was due to the sudden shock of the events and it will fade away. But it never seems to be.

But I don't want to concentrate on these things, now only got to concentrate on one thing and that is you.....

My Sade

Baby ,I'm sorry for spilling the truth to you accidentally .I never meant to tell you the truth in that way. But my drunk state took control of me.

That was the worst mistake of my life. You started ignoring me completely. Never talked to me ,never ate the food I made,never watched late night movies with me and.......never acknowledged me.

Every time you ignored to tell me the PTA meeting ,I still went there. Your every competition, every performance, every activities and graduation, I was still there,silently applauding in the corner ,not able to proudly beam to everyone that you are my daughter.

But baby,don't be sad . If I was in your place ,I would have done the same. How would a middle school girl react when she hears that her father was killed by her mother.

But I was still happy,because I got to witness every important moment in your life . You grew up from my little girl to a beautiful lady.

I wish you have a beautiful life filled with love and happiness. I wish you are surrounded by good people. I wish you forgive me .I wish you don't hate me anymore.

My time is very limited baby. This is all the information I could give you. Don't get stuck on the past and live your life to the fullest.

This is my last wish. Hoping to see you ,after many many years.

Till then goodbye
Your mother



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