Chapter Eleven

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Rody whined, sitting on the floor of Vince's room. Why was he in Vince's room? Because his bike got stolen, and he wasn't able to get home.

He'd half expected Vince to kick him out, but he allowed him to stay, again. This was happening quite often. He hoped Vince didn't start charging him rent.

Vince walked into the room, carrying a bag. He left for a little while earlier, he was only gone for thirty minutes, yet Rody was curled up on the floor of his room pouting.

"Rody, why are you pouting on my floor?" Vince asked, walking over to Rody. He sat on the edge of the bed, and set the bag down beside him.
Rody groaned, and pulled himself up onto the bed. "You were gone for a long time, and I was missing my bike." Rody said, sitting up straight.

Vince rolled his eyes, and grabbed something out of the bag he had with him. "Here." He said, handing Rody a small box. It was a box of chocolate Vince had got, as a way to shut Rody up, and to say thank you for the lollipop Rody had given him earlier.

Rody paused, looking down at the box. "You.. bought me food? With your money?" He asked, tilting his head confused. Why would Vince spend money on him?
"Yes Rody, I was hoping it would cheer you up." Vince said, not really wanting to admit that, but deciding to anyway.

Rody held the box tightly in his hand, smiling softly. "Thanks Vince." He said, leaning his head against Vince's shoulder. 
Vince tensed up for a moment, before he relaxed. He tensed up a lot whenever Rody touched him or leaned against him, it made him feel weird. Not In a bad way though.

"Would you.. want to share these with me?" Rody asked, holding the box up. Vince sighed, pushing Rody off him for a moment.
"I guess." He said, gently taking the box from Rody. He didn't like eating, hardly at all. One of the reasons he was so frail looking was because of how much he didn't like eating. He didn't eat, and would only force himself to. He didn't want to eat these chocolates, but he was going to.

For Rody, he'd made an exception.

Rody watched as Vince opened the box, revealing the different types of chocolate. Rody liked sharing with Vince, especially if it was something he got or made for him.
Vince handed the open box of chocolates back to Rody, and took one for himself.

Rody happily ate one of the chocolates, being surprised by how different it tasted to normal sweets it had.

"Vince, how much did you spend on these?" He asked, a sudden thought popping into his head. "Fifty euros." Vince said, laying down on the bed.

Rody paused, absolutely dumbfounded. There was no way Vince spent 50€ on him. Right?

Rody closed the box of chocolates back up, and set them aside, before he laid down next to Vince.

"You spent that much money on me?.." he asked, looking at Vince with wide eyes. "Yes Rody, I did. It really wasn't that much." Vince said, glancing at Rody.
"Yes it is!" Rody exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air before promptly letting them fall back beside him.

Vince chuckled, genuinely. He'd forgotten how different Rody's life was from his own, and found it amusing how shocked Rody was that he didn't see 50€ as that much money.
Rody froze, his eyes going wide as he heard Vince chuckle.

He laughed, he genuinely laughed. Because of Rody no less, Rody had made him laugh.

"You.. laughed." Rody said, his voice soft and quiet. Vince turned, facing towards Rody. "I guess I did." He said, quietly.
Rody smiled, seeming overjoyed at making Vince, of all people laugh.

"I made you laugh!" He exclaimed, making some form of weird overly happy or excited sound. Vince rolled his eyes, a small smile on his lips.

Rody was adorable, getting excited all because he made Vince chuckle. It made Vince feel, odd.

He felt happy, seeing Rody so overjoyed, and his heart fluttered. He normally found Rody to be annoying anytime he got overly excited, but this time, he found him to be perfect.




Rody had fallen asleep leaning against Vince, an arm wrapped around him. He was normally exhausted after work, and would normally pass out, so this wasn't a surprise to Vince really. Vince was very much awake, and very much lost in thought as Rody held onto him in his sleep. Why didn't he move away or leave? Because he enjoyed being held.

He may be a cold and harsh person, but he enjoys physical touch, quite a bit.

For the past few days now Rody had stayed with him, just by coincidence though. Now however, he was stuck with him.
He wasn't sure for how long he was stuck with him, but he knew it would just be until Rody found another form of transportation.

It didn't really surprise him that Rody's bike had gotten stolen, he left it outside the bistro, and didn't go to make sure it was still there whenever his shift ended.
Vince would probably end up buying Rody a new bike, since he was still in his fucking bed.

Vince couldn't deny the fact that it was nice, having another man in his bed after years of being alone. Lucas absolutely ruined him, and he never planned on dating again. Conveniently, he wasn't dating Rody, and he was in his bed curled up to him.

Vince did happen to enjoy Rody's presence, and the feeling of his arms wrapped around him. It made him feel whole again.
At this point he accepted the fact he cared for Rody, and the fact that he wanted to fuck him, but that was all he was willing to accept.

Whatever him and Rody had, wasn't romantic, and it wasn't sexual either. Even though Vince wished it was sexual.
He hasn't had sex in God knows how many years, so he was obviously pent up. And Rody, Rody made him want to lose it.

He was so attractive, so pretty, so perfect. Vince couldn't help but want him sexually. Could you really blame him? He hadn't been touched in so long, and Rody, Rody would willingly touch and talk to him. If only it was in the way Vince wanted though.

He wouldn't care if Rody took him, or if he took Rody, he just wanted to be touched again.

He'd never act on these desires though, not unless he was extremely drunk and out of it. In that case, there was a low chance Rody would ever return his desires.

Even if he did, who knows how the aftermath would be. One night stands with people you knew, were a bit more complicated than normal ones.

Vince froze up slightly as he felt Rody nuzzling against his neck, a tired whine escaping his lips. He was either waking up, or cold.

For some reason, anytime Rody got cold, he'd hug Vince or curl up against him. Apparently Vince was warm.

"Vince?.." Rody mumbled out suddenly, confirming that he was waking up now. "Yes Rody?" Vince asked, glancing at Rody beside him.
"You're really comfy.." Rody muttered, pulling Vince closer against his body. He was half asleep, and needy, and Vince was pretty and warm.

"Rody- go back to sleep." Vince said, sighing softly. "What about work?.." Rody asked, glancing at Vince with sleepy eyes.
God, how Vince wanted to kiss him.

"It's our day off." Vince said, rolling over slightly to where he was facing Rody. "So.. I can sleep more?" Rody asked, blinking.

"Yes Rody, you can sleep more." Vince sighed, patting Rody's head gently. He hated giving into temptations, especially when they were Rody.

Rody smiled, and buried his face against Vince's neck, enjoying his scent. "Good.. I was already on the verge of killing myself yesterday." Rody mumbled, closing his eyes.

He said that so suddenly and out of the blue, and gave no context whatsoever.

"Rody, explain yourself, now."

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