❄️Admiring The Light❄️

44 4 13

Creativity: 15/15

It's that time again who can make me speechless and who did it this author. Know that it takes like a lot to make me speechless but this author did it this author is another author that has made me completely and utterly speechless with their work. They mix religion and boundaries together very well in this creative way and it's LGBT which makes it so unique and amazing. Can we just 👏👏👏👏 Because this author without a doubt deserves it like to be able to put religion. LGBT community type buck when so many people are against that. You would think that somebody would hate on this book. My God you can't do religion and be in the LGBT community wrong you can be both. author did it and the author did it so phenomenal that it brought joy to my heart it brought so much joy and beauty to my experience when it comes to reading books. Author needs to be recognized for their talent and their creativity.

Originality: 15/15

Once again let's all stand in a praise this author for the originality that they have brought to the table like I'm sorry but it is going to take a minute for somebody to tap this and I'm dead serious. Like you guys know me I have been reviewing since I started on this app last year. To say that it's going to take somebody as talented as this author to top this is the biggest complimentary possibly can get for me. I don't think anybody this year will top how clean if this author is and how phenomenal this author did this story. Find somebody I'll let you all know but for me this author is like the top of the class review. Author is like here's your reward take it and boost yourself up because you deserve it reward. Is like hey I did all of this and I don't have the slightest idea of how talented I am or I have no idea how amazing my story is. Probably thinks that their story is not good at all but let me tell you they're wrong 100 percent wrong this story deserves the battle this story deserves to win a Some type of award some type of acknowledgement some type of shout out something. Author needs to be recognized this author needs to have some so many people go to their book and read it. Author needs to have like a book publisher be like I will find you you can start sending your book over to me tomorrow. Author needs to be as well known as JK Rowling. That's how good this author is. Watch out JK Rowling because you ain't got nothing on this author.

Storytelling: 15/15

Storytelling I can't even begin to tell you how it makes you feel like the way that the author does it is so beautifully written that you don't know if you want to cry laugh or hug the author you probably want to do all three Me and this author need to sit down and have some coffee if this author doesn't like coffee it's me we need to just sit down and talk like this author how did they come up with this story peter did they just one day decide that they want to put religion on top of the LGBT community together and be like yeah it's going to work whether they wanted to work or not. Convinced that this author woke up and decided to make this happen whether it ended up revolving in hate or not and the storytelling is predominantly the way that the story is is just makes me I can't I can't i'm speechless

Character: 15/15

We're gonna sit down and praise these characters because these characters the world these characters are so phenomenal in their own ways between religion and being in the LGBT community and having their own boundaries and values it is beyond me it's like this author has to be older than they think they are or has to be like an adult or someone with a lot of knowledge because let me tell you this is no child if this is a child that wrote this book then I need to know if this child is like mature or something because no way would a child write a book so mature and so out of its league amazing that I'm sitting here like no way there's just no way the characters are phenomenal the storyline is phenomenal I have no words to say about how this book is like I have nothing negative to say I can't. One thing I have to say but that will be in a different section. Needs a reward this book needs to be acknowledged one 100 percent.

Story Flows:15 /15

I don't know why I have to talk it's really dumb because there's nothing wrong with the story like there is nothing wrong the story structure is perfect it's smooth there's nothing wrong with the sentence structure everything lines up everything is sound everything runs smoothly there is nothing out of place and is perfect perfect

Cover Design: 10/15

Even though we have a perfect story there is something that I do not like I am not a big fan of the cover I feel like the cover does not represent the story as it should. Just me that is my opinion I feel like there should be a different cover that represents how beautiful this story is and the way that the cover is does not do the story justice

Final Thoughts: 15/10

Usually I don't give more points for my final thoughts but this time I am and that is because this author deserves 100 percent if not more this author has created such a beautiful story that I am beyond speechless of how to even critique this story because I don't think it needs critiquing at all. That this story is perfect the way it is and beautifully written this story is what LGBT on top of religion should be. If you have a lot of hate which the book does but I didn't get to that part it's still the factor of this book represents what religion and boundaries and LGBT should be. If you are dealing with hate the characters are amazing and the way that the author makes them makes me smile because they live life to its fullest and you don't see that in an LGBT that often. That's because they always living in fear they're always never accepted. This story the characters don't care at the end of the day they're living life to their fullest and that's how it should be so the author definitely needs to put this book in some type of reward system it needs to be acknowledged it needs to be voted commented praised this book needs more acknowledgement than it has. Again I don't say that a lot but again not a lot of books can make me speechless. This book definitely needs to be praised and acknowledged for the beauty of it and for the amazing writing that the author does. And I hope that this year that happens and with years to come because books like this are hard to find but still worth it.

Chapters I read:3

Total points: 100

Summary of the book:

TW BELOWHow would you look at life if everything that happened seemed so negative?2015 in rural Tennessee, senior year for community cornerstone Natalie Perry. Reliable to her friends, responsible to her sister, and respectful with her brute mother, nothing surprises her much anymore after all she's experienced. A chaotic lifestyle for a chaotic girl, where others see trauma, she finds enjoyment.This story touches on potentially triggering content, including homophobia (A few uses of slurs in harmful context), toxic family relationships, anxiety, anger, and death. Reader discretion advised. (Chapters marked with TW for triggering content.)Any real people, brands or places are only used to further realize the environment.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.


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