Into the waves

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My heart raced as I burst out of the front door with my little sister cradled in my arms. I had no idea where I wanted to go or what I was even going to do but the moment I stepped outside and turned my head around, I spotted something.

It was pure coincidence that I was able to spot the other debt collectors making their way toward my house, before they could see me. The urgency of the moment amplified the thudding in my chest, and my eyes widened as I spotted them lingering on the road above. The area I lived in was a sloped place, in the poorer part of the town. So many people who had business here would park their car far away and walk.

It worked in my favor. But their presence alone was enough to send a shiver down my spine and I turned away.


Hulio wasn't alone?


Come to think of it, he never came alone before. They always came as a gang to intimate us. That's a thing these low life people do a lot. I felt disgusted as I realized why Hulio came early and why he came alone. It was solely so he could have his way with me.

Eris hugged me back tightly and I clenched her tiny back in my arms.

In that split second, instinct kicked in, and I swerved away from the direct path to the road, opting for a side alley instead. The narrow passage felt it would shield us momentarily from the looming threat.

I ran with all my might. I hadn't eaten since yesterday but I still squeezed out all the energy so I could escape. Not that I had much but I had to get away. As we emerged onto a quieter street, I spotted a taxi lined up along the curb.

It was probably the only time where I had luck shine upon me. Otherwise things only tend to take a turn for the worst.

I ran to it, waving my hand to show the driver I wanted a ride while my anxious gaze darted back to ensure we weren't being followed.

The taxi pulled over, and with a quick glance over my shoulder, I opened the door and gently placed my sister in the back seat, buckling her in and then took my seat beside her.

"Please, drive," My voice still had hints of shakiness in it, may it be from all the running or from the event that took place before that. But, I chose not to think about it.

As the taxi sped away, the weight of the situation settled in, and I couldn't help but steal one last glance at the fading figures on the road

I don't think they noticed me... I would have seen someone running after me if someone had,

I turned my head away, then glanced at the taxi driver. I saw him look at me through the rearview mirror, and I saw how his gaze dropped and how he focused on my hands.


I closed my fists and turned them upside down.

There was so way he didn't see the blood on them but it was funny how he didn't even ask me about anything, almost like it would be too much of a bother to do that.

All he asked was, "Where to?"

"I-" My mind seemed to buzz, "I'll tell you when to stop. Keep going." He didn't reply to that but kept going.

Eris didn't make a sound. For a five year old kid she was very docile. I'm sure kids aren't like that, they're very noisy at her age but she isn't. If it was a normal child, she would be constantly asking questions like, 'Where are we going? Why are we going? When are we going to get there?' But she said nothing.

I stared out the window as the car kept going. I knew my life would end in shit. No matter what I tried, no matter how much I earned, it would never give me anything in return.

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