❄️Veiled Desires❄️

26 6 17

Creativity:15 /15

This book is, I don't say this a lot, you guys, you know this is phenomenal. This book has me speechless. You can read this book with a nice cup of coffee. Look, it's like cliffhanger after cliffhanger. Drags you into the story, and it never lets you out never once you're into this book, you have signed your contract, and you are now giving this book your soul. For your soul, you don't get it back; this book will not give you back. The creativity is that good.

Originality: 15/15

Let me tell you about the originality of this story. The way that the author does the story brings you in so much that you are wondering what is going on. When you think you know what's about to happen, let me tell you something, my friends. You're wrong. Oh, you thought that was going to happen in the story? Guess what? You're wrong. Oh, you thought you would get the ending you wanted? Guess what? You're wrong. Oh, you thought she was going to end up with this type of guy wrong again. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Everything you think is going to happen is wrong. so you better keep that because what you think is about to happen, guess again, will make you do a backflip. That is how original this story is and how great of a story it is because it keeps you guessing and makes you think stories like this are what I live for.

Storytelling: 15/15

Storytelling is part of this world fantastic. The way that the author brings you into their story and keeps you guessing. And you're just in this role pull of emotions. You're just not sure where it's going to end up from the beginning of the story. And I only read three chapters, and I was blown away. because I thought for sure what was happening was going to happen, and it didn't. It made a complete 180. and the outcome was so emotional that you can't help but wonder what's to come.

Character:15 /15

Characters are beautifully written and beautifully sad, and they're. the reason I said that they're beautifully sad is that you think that it's going to lean one way because of the way because of the way that the author is writing the story. But then, your heart is broken when it goes the other way. Because at the end of the day, you really wanted to go the way you thought it would go. But I think this shows how professionally written this story is. the author can take something so beautiful and so mysterious and so basic. and make it completely different. And I don't mean basic as a bad thing. I mean, you would think that it would be a basic love-type story. The way that the author starts it off is the way that the author starts the characters. but as it continues, it takes a turn because of that, it blows your mind.

Story Flows: 15/15

The story had no errors, no grammar errors, and no sentence-structured errors. Everything flowed very well when it came to the story, and I didn't see anything that was out of place or sounded off.

Cover Design:15 /15

I do like to cover, but there is always room for improvement when it comes to the cover.

Final Thoughts:10 /10

The authors who wrote this book are very, very proud of the book they have written, and their imagination is phenomenal. The way that they take a book that should be a really good love story type book when you start reading it. And turn it around to make it more mysterious. Keeps you on your toes type list is phenomenal. Because at the end of the day, a book that makes you think what's going to happen and to question everything when it comes to a story kind of makes me think of it. Mary Higgins Clark, and how. Her books always catch you guessing what will happen in the end because she will take you on this rollercoaster of a ride. And it was the best. This is what this author does, and it is very intriguing and very Refrigerant when it comes to rain; it's new to the interesting book. It brought life to the book really made me respect this author and wonder what the future holds for this author and their work. If their book or their future work is anything like this book, they have a great future ahead of them.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:  100

Summary of the book: 

Meet Maya Mukherjee, a successful businesswoman forced to adopt a new identity and escape a haunting past. Despite her glamorous success, she believes she doesn't deserve happiness due to a crime shrouded in mystery.Maya confesses, "I do not deserve happiness after spoiling the joy of an entire family." Living in darkness, her life takes a turn with the entrance of "The Revoltution," India's biggest boy group, becoming her newfound brand ambassadors.These five boys redefine her understanding of life, friendship, and love. A love triangle ensues, involving Maya, Vir, and Jai. Vir's sacrifice for friendship adds poignancy to the narrative. As Maya and Vir's pasts become interlinked, the plot thickens with suspense and hidden truths. "Veiled Desires" promises a symphony of romance, mystery, and intrigue, taking readers on a rollercoaster ride through emotions and profound connections. Brace yourself for a journey exploring forbidden love and unraveling mysteries that leave an indelible mark on the hearts of its readers.


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