Chapter Thirty

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It was late, extremely late. Rody had gotten a bit sidetracked after work, and had to wait a lot longer than he would have liked to sneak into Vince's office.

Fuck, he felt guilty about this.

He trusted Vince, he really did, but his mind was messing with him way too much. He felt like he'd go insane if he didn't check.

Rody snuck downstairs to the bistro while Vince was asleep, and made him way into his office. He rummaged around, until he found the spare freezer key.
He sighed, and crept out of the office, heading over to the freezer.

He froze however, his mind began to make him doubt this. Was he really going to do this? Break into his own boyfriend's freezer, all because his mind was telling him to?

He sighed, and looked down at the key in his hand. This would be betraying Vince's trust, and if he found out he'd obviously get upset? Did Rody really want to do this?
He loved Vince, he knew he'd never do anything to hurt him. So why was he doing this?

Oh, that's right.. Manon.

He was doing this because of her. It seems stupid now, two months after she broke up with him, and a month after her disappearance, he was still thinking about her.
He couldn't help it, he may have moved on, but she was still someone he cared about.

Whatever her silhouette was trying to tell him, had to do with the freezer. How did he know this?

Because he'd seen her inside it, In a much more gorey appearance.

That was the breaking point for Rody, when he decided he was going to go through with this.

Rody unlocked the freezer, pushing the door open. He walked inside, shivering at the cold air around him.
It was just a normal freezer, nothing but meat and other cooking ingredients inside it.

"Okay- t-this is fine.. nothing here." Rody said to himself, sighing with relief. It was fine, there was nothing in the freezer.

What was he thinking, that Vince had something to do with Manon's death? That was insane. It was just his imagination.

Hell, he was pretty sure that the silhouette of Manon was his grief making him hallucinate. Vince didn't kill Manon, there was absolutely no proof that said otherwise..

Except, there was.

Just as Rody was about to leave, he noticed something out from the corner of his eye. A gold shine, that caught on the light coming from the kitchen.
He hesitated, before walking over to the shiny piece of what was supposedly metal.

He kneeled down, his eyes widening as he grabbed it. It was Manon's locket, covered in blood.

He felt his breath catch in his throat, and a sense of panic and dread washed over him.

Oh God, what did Vince do?

Rody felt sick, like he was about to puke. He wanted to, but he couldn't because of the fact he hadn't eaten anything that day.

He felt tears prick his eyes as he clenched the locket in his fist, holding it close against his chest.

He was right, Vincent had killed Manon.

He imagined her pained screams, her sobbing, her last words to Vincent. He imagined it all, and it made him break.
He sobbed quietly, holding onto the locket for dear life.

Why would Vince do this? Why would he hurt Manon?

God, no wonder her parents and a lawyer showed up, they knew, they could tell he did it.

Fuck, how could Rody have been this blind? Did he really fall in love with a murderer? What the hell was wrong with him.

Suddenly, a sound caught Rody's attention. He turned around, tears rolling down his cheeks.

It was Vincent. Standing at the doorway of the freezer, his eyes wide.
He looked at Rody, his breath shuddering. He'd been caught, and he knew he'd been caught. But he didn't care about that, what he cared about was Rody, and the fact he was crying.

"Rody.." Vincent muttered, taking a step forward into the freezer. Rody quickly stood up, locket still in hand.

"What did you do.. Vincent.." He muttered, his voice shaky as he wiped his tears slightly. His grief was replaced by anger and hurt.
Why would Vincent hurt Manon? Why? Why? WhyWhyWhyWhy- Why?!

"I- fuck. Rody-" Vincent breathed out, starting to walk towards him.

Rody stepped back, moving away from Vincent every time he came closer to him.

"N-no! Stay away from me!" He yelled, his body trembling. Vincent froze, sighing softly.
He stepped back, looking worried.

"Why would you.. y-you killed her!" Rody exclaimed, tears starting to roll down his cheeks again. "Why would you- why?!" He asked, his voice breaking.
"For you, Rody." Vincent said, his voice quiet and soft.

"For me? Y-you killed my ex fucking girlfriend, for me?!" Rody exclaimed, a pained smile on his face. "You're fucking insane!"

Vincent stepped closer to Rody, a worried look on his face. "Rody- please calm down." He said, reaching out towards him.
Rody pushed Vincent away, a terrified look on his face.

"D-don't fucking touch me!" Rody yelled, his chest heaving.

"What did y-you do to her?!" He exclaimed, sniffling slightly. He needed to know, he had to know.

"I did what would make you feel loved, Rody." Vincent said, his voice becoming increasingly cold.
Rody froze, a sudden realization hitting him. He fucking fed her to him.

That soup, along with anything else he'd eaten from him, was Manon.

"You- You're fucking insane Vincent!" He exclaimed, his heart rate speeding up. How was he so stupid, to fall for a man like Vincent. A man who killed the love of his life, and fed her to him.

Vincent walked towards Rody, placing a hand against his cheek. Rody immediately pushed him away, causing him to land back against the saw table.
He held onto the edge, sighing with relief. He looked at Rody, standing up straight.

"Rody I-" Before Vincent could even finish his sentence, Rody rushed up to him, slamming him down onto the saw.
It impaled him, the jaded edges pressing out through his chest.

Vincent coughed, his eyes wide with horror as he stared up at Rody in horror.

"I-im sorry.."

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