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Life went on
It was
Never the
Same Again
It goes on...

"King this is your schedule for today,
•Meeting at 9 with Richardson.
•Followed by William's group.
•Lunch meeting with Mr. Oliver.
•Finance dept. And Management dept. are ready whenever you want to meet them.
•Lastly, two video conferences
with foreign clients.

"Get my coffee in 5," I asked my assistant.

It was 8.30, I got settled in my office, ready for the day.

After 5 minutes my assistant came in bringing a steaming hot cup of coffee. I noticed how she undid extra buttons on her shirt.

"Miss Greene, you represent me in my corporation as my assistant. I'll give you two options, either collect your last cheque from HR or stop flashing and start dressing more professionally."

"Sorry King," she said stuttering.

"Leave," I shouted at her and collected my files for my first meeting.

A long day it was. It was 11 when I parked at my penthouse. Today was long but bearable, can't say the same for tomorrow. Father asked me to come to his home for dinner tomorrow.

You guessed it right, I am not close to my father and his family. I started King's Group at 22 as I didn't want to work with my dad. Now I can proudly say it's one of the top 5 companies in the country.

I am the most eligible bachelor according to Forbes. Being a billionaire, I can buy anything that has a price. Being a businessman, I can negotiate for the rest.

I can have the world but I lost my universe 13 years ago.

13 years is a long time, but not long enough to get used to the void in my heart.

The world portrays me as a cold, arrogant, heartless man. They are not wrong, my warmth, compassion and heart left me 13 years ago.


Can't I switch today with yesterday, I have no mood to deal with my so-called family. Their fake smiles, fake concern and fake love suffocates me.

The pretend game they play of being a happy, close-knit family is above and beyond me. I have no interest in being part of their sham.

I should stop ranting like I have any option. It's 7 already, I can't delay the dread anymore.

At Kight's Mansion

We were all seated at the dining table. It's already been half an hour since I came here. And I have hardly spoken to any of them apart from greeting them for the sake of courtesy.

Mr. and Mrs. Knight are sitting in front of me while their daughter is on my left.

I address them as such because few years back, Mr Knight or shall I say my dad, told me to address his wife as 'mom'.
It was not because of some hidden, underlying love my stepmom had for me but just to show off publically.

When I obviously refused to do so, we got into an ugly banter. Then to make a point, my daddy dearest told me that his wife is his love and family, so I should respect them equally and address both of them in the same manner.

My dad's wish my command. I started calling him Mr. Knight, his beloved wife as Mrs. Knight and his stepdaughter as Miss Knight.

Addressing them as such felt adequate to me because we were not close enough to be on a first-name basis.

Seriously, I am not kidding when I say, I know more about the guards stationed outside the King's group than I know about my birth giver.

"It's been over 2 weeks since you came home son." my dad interrupted my quiet.

"I have been busy Mr Knight," I replied in an indifferent tone.

"Same excuse every damn time." he growled angrily.

"Still you ask." I murmmered and started eating a bit fast. You know I was quite eager to get out this hell.

Rest of the dinner passed quietly. After dinner, Miss Knight clicked some pictures portraying our happy familg for her Instagram

All this dinner drama for just this photo. At least now I can relax for next two weeks.

"Son why don't you stay here only today, it's been long and I also want to talk about something with you."
I do have some rough idea what he would want to talk about to me so desperately.

"Mr. Knight I have an early meeting tomorrow so I can't stay, but I can do spare an hour now if you want to talk about something."

🌿🌸Author's Time🌸🌿

Chapter 2 is done. What do you think? Coming chapter will have mixed pov.

QOTD: What's your favorite food?

Mine is Pizza.

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