The pain of my wolf

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Azef yanked me up to my feet by gripping my hair, causing my head to hurt and I winced in pain.

"W-wait," I was able to let out a word, 'Please,"

He didn't wait, nor did he say anything. He just dragged me towards the bedroom.

"No!" I got scared because Eris was in there too, "W-wait, we can talk!" But I couldn't even balance myself properly because he was holding the back of my hair too firmly and dragging me without giving me a chance to straighten up.

He went to the door, grabbed the doorknob and turned it.

It was locked.

A momentary relief flooded my being.


But the second of relief was immediately broken when he violently turned the knob, crushing it and breaking it


My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach and I felt sick as he pulled the knob out and threw me mercilessly on the ground.

He opened the door with a bang, the door swung and hit the wall after doing a complete one-eighty degree swing. Eris let out a gasp of horror as soon as she heard the noise, she was sitting crouched in the corner of the room with her face buried in the dark corner.

She looked like a small bean sitting like that butI was glad she wasn't facing her. I didn't want her to see me like this.

"S-sir!" I tried to protest when he he paused,


I barely got to glance at him when he threw me to the ground and I slid against the floor.

"Don't leave this room until morning." He looked down at me and I raised my head to look at him, "No matter what you hear, neither of you will leave this room till the sun rises." He glared at me, "Understand?" His voice was so stern I couldn't help nod at him while I was still down on the ground.

He nodded back and stepped outside the bedroom, then shut the door loudly, making both me and my little sister flinch.

What was that?! What just happened? I still couldn't fully comprehend what had taken place.

"Sera," I looked at Eris. She had stood up from her place and was now looking at me.

"Come here," I sat up and extended my hands towards her but she didn't move, "It's okay," I told her words I wasn't sure of myself, "It's okay, come here, we're safe." And she came running to me and threw herself in my arms. I hugged her back immediately, "It's alright," The words automatically came out of my mouth, 'Everything's fine.

But were we fine? We had a murdered bloody body in our living room. The traces of murder were all over the place and let's not forget he's a gangster. As soon as the news reaches Lilac, he will come for me too. He only needs an excuse to get to me. On that note, why did Azef come over to this apartment?

Well, whatever the reason, he did save me...

I let out a sigh, I wonder if Hulio told anyone about where I'm living. How much trouble am I in this time?

I stroked Eris's head while she buried her face in my chest.

What did Azef do? I don't even know where he came from and right the next moment, Hulio was dead. So brutally at that.

I gulped, recalling the terrifying event.

Is that even humanly possible? There was no sound of gunshot or a weapon being used. Did he use his hands?

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