His Broad Back

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Panic surged through as I struggled to break free from his grasp, my mind raced with a thousand frantic thoughts. As Ace's grip tightened around me, his leering face inched closer with every passing second, a surge of fear and revulsion coursed through my veins. I desperately tried to fend off Ace's unwanted advances as I felt disgusted with his breath hot against my skin, I felt a surge of panic rise within me. Every instinct screamed at me to escape, to break free from his grasp and flee into the safety of the night.

To hell with this shit!

With a desperate cry, I summoned every ounce of strength within me and lashed out, driving my foot into his nuts with all the force I could muster.

Ace's eyes went wide and then he doubled over with a grunt of pain, his grip loosening over me as he painfully went to grab his crotch. With a surge of adrenaline, I darted away from him, my heart pounding in my chest.

But my freedom was short-lived. Before I could make it more than a few steps, the other men were upon me, their drunken laughter filling the air as they closed in with predatory intent. It was hard to run in high heels, probably why I couldn't make it far.

Two of the others grabbed me from the back of my coat and threw me against the wall again. With a surge of panic, I fought back with everything I had, swinging wildly at my assailants with fists and feet.

"You are one feisty bitch," Ace was still in pain and stayed in his place, kneeling over while the other two blocked my path.

One of them grabbed my face, squeezing it till the point it hurt, "You ditched us on purpose, didn't you?" He stared at my face, "I saw you punch Ace in the club too." His grip tightened to the point it began to hurt my face.

I glared at them as I threw my heels off and then tried to kick the one squeezing my cheeks but he grabbed my leg with the other hand, stopping it right before I managed to kick his balls.

"Huh," He looked at me with disdain, "Did you think that would work again-" He was still in the middle of speaking when I grabbed the window sill on the wall to support my weight and kicked him with my other leg.

His eyes went wide as well and he let out a horrified scream, but just like Ace, he let me go and I immediately made a run for it.

The two left with un-kicked crotches ran after me.

"Stop right there you bitch!!!"

What's the point of saying that stuff? It's not like I'm actually going to stop. To hell with these men, I'm running. None of it happened in the club, so I'm sure I will be fine.


I hope I'll be fine.

"Stop!!" They screamed but I ran barefooted through the streets, letting the rough path cut me but I did my best not to think about it.

The men closed in on me with predatory intent, I could only pray for a miracle to save me from the horrors that awaited in the night. I needed to outrun them and I was pretty positive I could do it too, because they were drunk

But the problem was, I was drunk as well.

I know with the adrenaline running in my body I should have been able to do it, but for some reason, as I ran, my vision started to get foggy, and then suddenly, a very violent spell of dizziness came over me.


My world spun and I didn't even realize I was falling till the time I fell to the ground, skidding on the cement pavement.

"HAHA!" One of them laughed, "I was wondering when that drug would work."


I had cut my skin in the fall, especially my feet but what caught all of my attention were the words they said as they caught up to me.

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