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I put Eris to bed. She had been too energetic today. I wasn't even able to catch her. Runy caught her and gave her a bath in the bathroom near the entrance door. Runy is a bit stern, so a scolding from her got Eris to behave.

Maybe I'm too soft on her...

I pulled the blanket over her while my chest kept getting fluttering attacks. My heart fluttered each time I thought about going to Azef. Gosh, I can't get what happened out of my head. I keep thinking about it and I keep wondering about being his mate.

I know fretting over it by myself isn't going to solve anything but I'm really nervous about going to him and asking about it. I let out a sigh. But I want to ask! I want to know! It's the only thing that's keeping my mind off of my mom's number being reissued to someone. It's strange though, I don't think her sim was deactivated...

But who knows when dad might have done it.

I stood up from the bed and walked out of the bedroom. It's late, Azef might have gone to sleep. But then again, he might not have.

With hesitant steps, I made my way down to the lounge, my heart fluttering nervously in my chest. The anticipation of seeing Azef again sent a thrill through me, mingled with a tinge of apprehension at the thought of being alone with him.

Will I be able to ask him about it? I want to know. My heart keeps telling me to go ahead with my feelings but at the same time I'm so scared. Azef has been the only person who has felt so safe to be with. He's the only one I've ever felt this attracted to, and the only one who I've ever fallen for.

As I entered the lounge, I couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth wash over me at the sight of him. Azef was lounging casually on the couch, his gaze focused on something in the distance.

Is he watching TV? He often watches the NEWS.

I approached him slowly, my footsteps echoing softly in the quiet room. With each step, I felt a knot of uncertainty tighten in my stomach, unsure of how he would react to my sudden presence.

But as I drew nearer, Azef looked up, his eyes meeting mine that caused me to pause.

"Oh! I-" I was still flustered, "I Wanted to talk,"

He tore his gaze away, "Sure," He gestured to the other sofa, "Come, sit," He didn't seem nervous but I was freaking out. I nodded and took my seat, diagonal to him. This was followed by a few seconds of silence.

It was awkward and I'm sure it was awkward for Azef too since he chose to break the silence, "What did you want to ask?" He turned the TV off which he was watching on mute.

I smacked my lips softly, "A few things," My voice was low, "About you,"

"About me?" Considering it was late at night and the place and the surroundings were quiet, our voices had to be low, "What do you want to ask?" But the low voices just felt so ticklish. Especially his voice, it got my feelings in a buzz.

"So," Where do I start from? "You're a werewolf." I wasn't exactly asking a question but I had to start from somewhere and this felt like the right thing.

"Yes," He nodded and cleared his throat. I focused on his face and he seemed a little disturbed. Is his face getting a little red?

"I learned a lot of stuff Bezof, he answered a lot of my questions but there are things I'm still curious about,"

He passed me a smile, "You're not scared?"

"Not really..."

"You passed out," He said, "Wasn't it because you were scared of what I had become?"

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