30. Finally Free?

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"This is FKMD Modras Black FX- 507, and this is M48 Cyclone Tri-Edge Spiraling dagger knife." Mariano explained pointing at two black daggers.

Right now we're in Nicolas' office and standing in front of his famous glass cases with too many dangerous weapons.

Nicolas was very busy with his work so Mariano and Alexander decided to give me an impressive tour in his office.

Nicolas was also in the office but he was too busy to talk and even look at me. He was continuously doing some paperwork. Sometimes I kept throwing quick glances at him but he seemed very engrossed by his works.

God, he looked so hot when he was thinking something attentively and writing on the paper!

What we did in the bathroom in this afternoon, was something different. I mean he fucked me before but today's was very different. It was full of emotion and passion, there was no sign of roughness.

I saw something in his eyes that I never saw before. His eyes were so soft and full of emotions.

Wait. Did he make love to me?

My eyes went wide. My breath hitched in my throat as I choked on my own breath.

"Are you okay, principessa ?" Mariano frowned.

"Oh yes! Yes! I'm okay. Oh my God. They seem very dangerous especially this Tri-Edge Spiraling dagger." I gasped pointing at the dangerous black daggers and quickly changed the subject.

Stupid me.

"Of course it is so dangerous. These two daggers are Nicolas' favorite and so are ours. Just one swift move, the enemies gone." Alexander replied before earning a gasp from me.

"You guys are horrible." I muttered under my breath but they seemed to hear me as they chuckled.

I looked at all the shiny guns and bullets. Actually I had no idea about weapons because I never saw a simple gun in my whole life before I met these gangsters.

"These bullets look cute." I pointed at a bunch of bullets which were proudly sitting on the glass case.

"This is .700 Nitro Express, the ranks high among the most dangerous bullets. Originated in the UK, an astonishing 8,900 foot-pounds of force, weight 1000 grains. The sheer size of the bullet inflicts catastrophic damage upon impact. It's no way to be cute." Mariano explained and rolled his eyes at me.

"You don't look like you know about weapons that much." I frowned at him that made them both let out a loud laugh.

"Oh baby, trust me. I have more knowledge about weapons than any other members in our team." Mariano laughed again.

"He studied on Mechanical Engineering." Alex winked at me.

"What? Then why the hell you guys are in mafia? I thought illiterate guys join the mafia." I exclaimed.

"No,cara. A mafia needs well educated and strong people. We need both the brain and competency unless we want the mafia fall." Mariano chuckled.

"Yes. Haven't you heard 'Give me an educated mother, I'll give you a developed nation'? The mafia works like that. If we weren't intelligent and educated enough, we could never built a whole empire in underworld." Alexander explained.

"You guys are ridiculously disgusting. You have a great intellect but you guys invest them in wrong ditch." I cringed and looked at the weapons.

I heard them letting out long sighs.

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