Chapter 2

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"YOU GOT ANYMORE HEADS TODAY?" Jordyn's best friend, Taleyiah says to her as they talked through facetime. Jordyn was in her shop, cleaning up as her last client left around twenty minutes ago.

"I'm free for the rest of the day. I'm all booked until eight at night tomorrow though." She says, sighing at the thought of how she'll be doing different styles all day tomorrow.

She had two heads who wanted braids, two who wanted sew-in's and three wanting lace frontals. The thought of having to get up at 6 in the morning is already tiring her out.

"You wanna go out with me and Cy tonight? We're going to this new bar in downtown."

Jordyn thought about it, she hadn't hung out with her girls in a hot minute, seeing that she was always busy from working. She could use a little night to herself to relax with her friends and catch up.

"Yea, let me text my husband." She said, putting her broom and dustpan up as she walks over to her phone, swiping up, putting in her password and heading to her messages to text Derrick.


I'm hanging out with the girls tonight, that's okay?

She places her phone back down on the table and grabs her cleaning spray bottle and wipes and she began wiping down her chair and all of her equipment.

"You stay saying, let me text my husband." Taleyiah said playfully while rolling her eyes. "Must be nice, sis."

"And is." Jordyn dramatic says, dragging out the 's'.

Her phone pings, indicating that her husband texted her back. She finishes up with what she was doing, before putting everything away and walking to her phone, checking her messages.


I'm hanging out with the girls tonight, that's okay?

That's okay baby. Me and Kai are at my parent's house, be safe. I love you. <3

Responding back with, 'Okay, I love you too.' She grabs her belongings to leave out the shop, turning the lights off as she leaves, looking back to make she didn't miss anything.

"What time are y'all planning to head out?" Jordyn says as she locks up her shop. She heads to her car, pulling out her keys and pressing the unlock button, watching her black Audi parking lights flash twice.

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