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After putting Ava's stuff in the trunk, we went for lunch. My silly sister was complaining about how everything was overly priced. Everyone was looking at us because she didn't even realise that her voice got a little too loud and also I was a known face. I was enjoying her antics and was waiting for her to realise what was going on around her.

After rambling for 5 minutes she looked around and realised that everyone was looking at her. She got red and quickly hid behind the menu. I couldn't help laughing at her innocence.

Other diners got more shocked because, before Ava, I had made my image of a cold, arrogant man. However, my sister came and crumbled all my walls.

I ordered for both of us while she constantly glared at me. We ate our food in relative silence because Her Highness was angry with me.

After eating, we went back to the car and I tried to cajole her.
"Ava let it go, please. I am sorry, Okay." She didn't reply, instead turned her face in a different direction.

"I said sorry, now what do you want me to do." Now I was a little irritated, no one tested my patience like her.

"You apologized but you didn't even mean it. Why didn't you stop me, it was so embarrassing. And you even laughed at me." I glared.

"I didn't laugh at you angel, I laughed at your cuteness. Fine, I am sorry, I really mean it." I said while holding my ears.

I don't remember the last time I used the word sorry and here this girl made me hold my ears twice in half a day.

"I'll forgive you only if you let me treat you to dinner." Having no other choice, I agreed. I think she wasn't even angry with me. This was her trick to get her way with me. Little cheeky girl.

After lunch, I took her to an amusement park. She loved to go there when we were kids. Knowing how great of a mother our mom was, I don't think she would have gotten a chance to go there again.

All the way she pestered me asking where we were going, but I wanted to keep it a surprise for her.

After some 40 minutes, we finally reached there. Looking at her face I can tell the surprise was worth it. Her eyes were wide open, she forgot to even blink. And her mouth, it was so wide open that a bird could make its nest in there.

"Wow Ava all your 32 teeth are intact, no cavities at all, good girl, now you may close it," I said mocking her. She closed her mouth and punched my shoulder.

"Violent woman, shall we go in or are you planning to put tents here only," I said in sarcasm but it backfired.

"What tents?" She asked.

"Nothing, come I already bought the tickets." I pulled her with me.

"Which ride do you wanna go first Your Highness," I asked.

"Ummm," she tapped her finger on her chin, pretending to think while she and I, both knew her answer.
She looked at me and together we shouted,
"Ferris Wheel 🎡"

Everyone around was looking at us but we didn't give a damn. The Ferris wheel has been her favourite. Whenever we visited an amusement park, she went on the giant wheel twice. She said it hypes us enough to enjoy the other rides and when you get tired of playing it calms you enough to go home.
So every time, we started and ended with a ride on the Ferris wheel only.

After that we went on the Carousel 🎠, it was pretty lame but Ava had fun, she kept singing, shouting and dancing throughout.

Then she wasn't able to decide where to go next, so we went on to train 🚂, that takes you all around the park.

Then Ava wanted to test her luck, so she played some aiming games and won none except for a teddy I'm the claw machine. That was also her beginner's luck because in overconfidence it took ten more chances to be disappointed.

She was frustrated after playing, I mean losing around so I bought a cotton candy to cheer her up.
"I am not a kid anymore Ed, to eat this." She said taking a small bite out of it.

"I wish you were still that little Ava and I could watch you grow."

"Don't spoil your mood, Ed. What if you didn't see me growing up, you would get a chance to see me getting married and then live my childhood with your nieces and nephews."

"Ohh, come back to reality Miss Knight, I am not letting you get married. You are staying with me forever now. And even if you think about someone, he should be a househusband and move in with us."

"Now that's unfair Ed."

"Either that or no getting married at all, you choose," I said. While we were done talking, she had finished eating the cotton candy. I can't even think of letting my sister go away from my sight at this point, Marriage is out of the question.

After that, we had hotdogs, and some other Street food and finished with an ice cream.

Then we were back to swings, we went on bumper cars and a few others rides before going to the Ferris Wheel again.

The view from the wheel was so beautiful, the sun was setting and the sky was painted orange. Birds were returning to their home, it was serene and calming.

Then we left the amusement park, Ava didn't forget the deal we made, so she was treating me to dinner at a place of her choice.

She gave me directions and we were parked outside a small restaurant. It was very small and unhygienic, I can tell this without entering it. But I didn't want to ruin her mood, so I didn't say anything and we both headed in.

My assumptions were right, but though it was not the healthiest place still it was fully packed. Only one table was vacant and Ava ran towards it. I followed her and we both got settled.

"In the morning, I saw a glimpse your life Ed, where you talk softly, eat gracefully, dress perfectly and pay four times the price for the bland food. Now this is me, Eddy, here you can shout, eat with your mouth open, dress in even your nightwear if you wish and pay the minimum for the tastiest meal you will have in your life." She said and I realised how contrasting our lives have been. My eyes teared and I wiped them.

"Now don't cry Ed, I am serious, the food is good. I worked here for 8 months and the owner knows me well, every day she gave me free food." She said with her eyes shining. When I was tipping at the five-star restaurants, my sister was serving in this small diner and relying on the free meals. I feel like I failed as a brother.

Then the waitress came to take our orders, I couldn't stop imagining Ava in her place. I lost my appetite but just not to dishearten her, I asked her to order for me.

We had a heartful dinner, it was very tasty indeed. I noticed how Ava acted differently here. During lunch, she wasn't comfortable and quietly had her food. But now she was talking lively and with her hands and loud voice. She was comfortable and happy.

After dinner, we went to my place. It was a fun day I had with Ava. We were happily laughing and playing all day. I was a different person than what I had been in past years. Ava brings out the new, better and happier version of me. I love my princess.

🌿🌸Author's Time🌸🌿

QOTD: What do you like to watch more, movies or drama/ series?

Both for me.

Bonds Beyond TimeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon