Mystery saloon

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As i drove past a small junction that formed a letter Y, i looked at Liz. She appeared in meditation and hadn't uttered a single word since we left the station. She was staring outside, blankly. Via the car's window to her left.

I resolved not to bother her and instead, focused on my surroundings. My instincts kept reminding me that something unpleasant was evolving somewhere. That i had to be more alert and vigilant.

At the junction, a shallow tarmacked road branched away from the dual express highway. I already knew that this road would also slither us out of the city, only that it would take us decades to arrive at the other end since it curved around the city. It meant that we had to go all the way around the city rather than passing through it. There was also a black cargo trailer parked or perhaps abandoned just few meters from the junction.

As i continued to drive, my stupid brain found it wise to ruin the little peace i had left. Evoking a very complex puzzle all of sudden. Regarding what Chris had delineated to us earlier.

Then i recalled watching poor Chris exhale his last breathe.

I shuddered at the memory.

But the only thing i remembered was that Chris was trying to say or rather warn us about something. Something that he never got to finish since there seemed to have been something against him getting to spill the beans.

'Something is coming'.

That's what he had babbled.

But what sort of something could he have been implying?

Then he had warned us, beseeching us to be extra cautious and to resist it completely.

What really did he mean by that surely? How can we resist something that we even hardly knew? I wondered.

What about the last one?

Yes. Vaccc something.

Was it even a complete word? Could he have wanted to mean vacant? Or vacuous?

Definitely not. Those do not amount anything or something perilous.

What was he then trying to tell us?

Okay, yes, something is bound to materialize and God know when. And that damn something will be extremely precarious. But what was it and how will it emerge looking like?

Just then, and out of the blue, before i could even get to the basis of the present puzzle clogging and breathing fire inside my head, there came a sudden loud piercing sound. That nearly shuttered my hearing canal.

Tremor of panic vibrated in my core instantly, compelling me to apply emergency brakes in a trice. Even though there was nothing visible on collision course with us. I could hear the tyres' chuntering in execrable agony as the merciless grip of the tarmac resisted the precipitous assault. And an imperceptible force trying to hurl us off the seats. Thanks to our safety belts.

I mumbled a subdued gratitude to our safety belts for were it not for them, we would've recklessly hard smashed the windshield full force. I could swear that even my fingers were trembling like hell.

Fogged and antsy, i immediately started combing around our car for the source of the shrieking sound.

And that is when i noticed it. Via the corner of my eye.

A sudden, cold shiver cascaded down my spine instantly.

It was a white modern saloon with its windows completely tinted. It was not moving but still as a calm ocean. Another impromptu weird feeling engulfed me on the spot. I could hear my heart dribbling furiously like a hundred and eighty beats per minute.

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