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Now I understand why Ed calls these people plastic. We are all sitting in the dining room of Knights. Isabella, my supposed stepmother is a bitch. She hasn't stopped bragging about her perfect life while taunting me along. Celine, her daughter has a headache. She has an annoying squeaky voice. Throughout the dinner, she kept whining about some limited-edition designer bag that she couldn't get her hands on.
Thankfully Mr Knight hadn't opened his mouth yet. Can't wait for this dinner to get over with.

"So Avaline, I'll have a bigger heart here, since your mother is no more, I don't want you to be an orphan. You are welcome to the family, but not to the property. See, I don't want to dilute the rights of my princess. Edmund also waivered his rights, unfortunately. But you both are still my stepkids. I know Edmund supports you financially but Edmund, you have some responsibilities towards your other sister as well. Get the limited edition bag and red bottoms she wants." Mrs Knight, this lady I tell you. Daddy dearest said she is too cultured and sophisticated, I wonder someone broke her teeth before or I'll be the first one.

"Ava is self-dependent, she doesn't need my or anyone else's support. She works in Kings and earns for herself. Miss Celine Knight is more than welcome to come and give the interview. She'll get the job IF found qualified." The way Ed stressed on IF was so funny.

"And Mrs Knight having parents like you and Mr Knight, me and my brother are happy to be orphans. No offence."I said with a straight face. I know it was rude. But it was like a ticking time bomb that couldn't hold back and blasted at last.

"Excuse us, we have somewhere to be," saying this Ed took my hand and took me to my old room. It was guarded by a lock outside.

Ed took off the chain he was wearing, it had a key instead of a pendant. He unlocked the door with it and pulled me inside the room.

True to his words, the room was as it was, same blanket and curtains as well. I ran towards the table and opened the drawer. There was the drawing book I was looking for. The book was filled with the little pictures I drew to capture the moment I loved. Mostly all the drawings were of me and Ed. They weren't great but I was 8 that time. Then I took out the half-filled photo album. And the cute bracelet that Ed brought for me with his saved pocket money and a few stuffies that were close to me back then. Ed helped carry all the stuff and we were leaving this place which was once our home.

"Wait you both" Isabella stopped as as we were about to exit. All her family was sitting in the living room.

"Sabrina, see what they are leaving with. I don't want any valuables missing tomorrow." She called the househelp and ordered her.

Sabrina was in this house from before my birth. I can see hesitancy and reluctance in her eyes. She don't want to do this but it was her job.

"Miss Rina, you can check the stuff and tell your employer that we are taking the most valuable thing from her house, our memories." Ed told her in a soft tone. We both know Isabella just wants to humiliate us. Typical step mother.

"Mr and Mrs Knight, now we will take our leave. I won't say it was pleasant meeting you or I am looking forward for the next time. It would be all a big lie, I don't want to ever see your faces again. If it would have been possible, I would have divorced my father till now. Unfortunately no such provision in law yet. But if all parents are like ours, I will write to the president that we do need this law ASAP." I told them loud and clear. Then I held Ed's arm and we both left the house, this time for good.

From there we went to Ed's penthouse.

"This was the worst dinner of my life." I told him.

"Can't say the same, every dinner I had at Knight's, get better and better." He sighed.

"Do you realise, even we are Knight's, can't we change our surname?" It was a genuine question I had.

"I know, that's why, I changed my identity to just King. Atleast it helps personally, officially changing name would be a headache with the documents." It looks like he has really given this a thought.

"I think, I should find a husband, changing surname is lurcative enough for me to get married." I am really tempted.

"Don't even thimk about getting married you dumdum girl, you are Avaline Raine and I am Edmund King. We are happy together." Aww, my possessive brother, I guess we needed this little banter after that stressful dinner.

"Leave it, come lets watch a movie together." I said, he looked really grumpy after my last comment.

"You set it up, I'll make hot chocolate for us." He offered

"Don't forget to add my marshmallows." I love them.

"Only if you promise to put any cringey chick flick." I will surely.

"Deal" I said

"Deal" he left.

(A few minutes later)

"Here is the hot chocolate."

"Here is the movie."

"Miss Avaline Raine, Notting hill is a chick flick." He half shouted.

"But it is not cringe. Think twice before you even think of opposing me. " I challenged him

"Fine we will watch it but promise me you won't end up crying." I know I will, but siblings rule 101, you can't agree with them even if they are right.

"I am not a crybaby like you." I told him showing my tongue.

"Says you, who cried watching Up."

"That is a legit sab movie and I was a baby back then." He should know, he can't win against me.

I did ended up crying while watching the movie. I sometimes get to invested in the story and ends up in tears. Ed knew something like this was meant to happen, he knows me too well. To divert my mind, he started another movie. Unfortunately it was an horror film. Long story short we both had to sleep in the living room on the couch as I wasn't ready to move.

🌿🌸Author's Time🌸🌿

QOTD: Do have any pet, if yes than what?
(Younger siblings don't count😉)

I had two white mice.

So I have decided, I'll take this story forward as I planned initially. Neil is entering soon in the picture 🖼️

Keep reading ❤️

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