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I got up the next morning, did my morning routine and walked out of my room to go and clean the other rooms and do the other household chores.

As I walked out of my room, my eyes fell on Kenji, his hair wet as water dripped down his hair. He was wearing a black shirt and black pants, a Rolex rested on his wrist and he was wearing some spicy cologne.

My face turned red immediately as I saw him walk towards me, he had not seen me. His eyes were on his phone all the time, one hand in the pocket and the other holding the phone.

Well let's be honest, any female would feel attracted if she lives with a guy like Kenji. Kenji looked up and saw me, his eyes turned into cresent moons as he smiled. It looked adorable.

I bowed to him "Good morning" He smiled "Good morning to you, how did you sleep sweetheart?" Oh no..don't be so sweet. I just shrugged "I slept fine, thanks to you!" He laughed "And I slept fine too...thanks to you.." he said as he maintained eye contact with me.

I looked at the ground but suddenly he placed his finger under my chin and made me look up "y/n..I don't like it if somebody disobeys what I say.." I gulped, heat rushing to my cheeks. He smirked "When I told you look into my eyes when we speak...not here, not there...it wasn't a request, it was an order sweetness"

I nodded slowly "I love looking into your eyes..." I blushed and looked at the ground again. He chuckled "Okay, I'll let you go finish your work right now, I've an important meeting so I'll get going"

I nodded in response "Have a great day..Kenji.." He smiled at me as he walked away "You too cutie" stop, why does he do this...weirdo..

I walked towards Asahi's door and knocked on it. It took a long time for him to open his door. I kept knocking and knocking and suddenly the door opened with this hot, buff dude leaning on the door frame.

I looked at him with wide eyes. His chest was covered with sweat, so was his forehead and his hair. He was breathing heavily and had bandages wrapped around his fists. Was he working out?

He rose an eyebrow "What do you want?" He asked rudely. I gulped "I need to.." fuck whys my voice coming out so feeble?? "Good morning Asahi, I need to clean your room and so your laundry.." I smiled brightly, pretending not to be scared.

He sighed and opened the door completely, for me. I looked inside and there was a huge punching bag. So he was punching it..that's why those bandages around his fists..

He sat on his bed, observing all my movements keenly.


Asahi was sitting on his bed as he keenly watched her movements. She was nervous but still maintained her composure. There were multiple clothes, socks, random objects thrown here and there.

"I'm worried...I shouldn't find anything weird in here.." she said as she grabbed a sock and put it in the laundry basket. Asahi rose his brow. Y/N had accidentally voiced her monologue.

She mentally facepalmed herself and continued picking up clothes. "What are you scared of finding? Condoms?"
Her cheeks flushed and she turned bright red and kept quiet. "There are no condoms here, I don't have time to waste on random hoes" he shrugged.

"Men have sex with them too but apparently they are the only ones called hoes? What does it make men, then?" She asked him, smirking a little. Asahi kept quiet, observing her.

"I said I don't have sex with random girls, I'm a virgin" he frowned "Well I didn't call you out, I spoke generally" Asahi ran his fingers through his hair "You sure are witty" She just smiled a little.

"You aren't as scary as you look" she said. He smirked a bit "You will know with time" y/n just shrugged "We'll see"

As she was picking up the stuff infront of the bed "Uh oh" she fell on his lap, as he was sitting on the bed, with his feet touching the floor.

She was ready for a hard impact but instead she felt something soft. She gulped as she turned over and saw Asahi with wide eyes and a red face. Her face turned even more red than Asahi as she realised she was sitting on his thighs now.

He pushed her away harshly and climbed up on his bed "What the hell was that!??" He yelled. She bowed multiple times "I am so sorry!" She quickly returned back to picking up the clothes and then ran to the washroom.

Asahi gulped as he looked down on his pants. "Oh shit" he had a huge bulge which was now clearly visible through his grey sweatpants. "I hope she didn't see" he gulped and stood up, leaving the room.

Y/N sat on the bathroom floor "I felt it...I felt it poking me" she squealed, slapping her own head multiple times "I am so dumb. Ofcourse he'd be aroused easily, he was working out and I sat on his...on his...yeah" she sighed and washed her face with cold water.

"It's normal, y/n! It's biology, basic biology!" She slapped her face softly once again and continued doing her work.

She sighed in relief as she saw nobody in the room. Y/n cleaned the room properly and without any second thought, left the room. She was blushing, not the blush that one gets from something attractive but the blush one gets from embarrassment.


"So you are the owner of the milky way Cafe?" Kenji tilted his head, a small smirk on his lips. The woman named Aoi nodded, she looked kind.

Kenji layed back on his soft chair, with his hands webbed on his chest. "So are you ensuring the safety of your workers?" He asked. She nodded. Kenji smiled "Very well. Then how did you not know how much the little girl was being bullied?"

Aoi sighed "Well I asked the other workers alot of times not to mistreat her...but I'm mostly out of town so I didn't really know what was going on inside the cafe"

Kenji hummed "So..here's what we do...I hope you agree Ms Aoi..." Aoi gulped as she looked at the hardened eyes of Kenji, eyes filled of pure hatred.

"I've nothing against you but I've everything against those workers who bullied y/n" Kenji said, his voice totally deep and his aura screamed dominance.

"This matter involves someone I hold dear to my heart and I am not planning to show any mercy on this matter.." Kenji pushed the coffee mug closer to Ms Aoi and she grabbed it, sipping on it slowly.

"Either you kick those bastards out of the cafe with a good warning of not doing the same bullshit with anybody else...or you close your cafe" Aoi gulped.

"But..it's.." She stuttered. Kenji sighed "Look Ms Aoi..I don't want to ruin anybody's future thats why I simply asked you to kick them out...otherwise you know what I could do with them, myself" he paused, staring directly into her eyes.

"Second, when you talk to me, don't look me in the eyes...you understand?" She gulped and nodded, looking at the floor. "Only selectives are allowed to do that"

He sighed and spoke again "Third...if you don't listen to me, you know what m capable of doing. Take this as a threat or whatever you wish but I want those bastards out of your cafe or I'd take this matter in my own hands and you know the consequences won't be good"

Aoi shivered as she nodded "I'll fire them" Kenji smirked "Good, that's what I expected, the meeting is over, you may leave"

TBC <33

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