it's really him

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You look as good as the day I met you
I forget just why I left you, I was insane

I know it breaks your heart
Moved to the city in a broke-down car, and
Four years, no calls
Now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar
And I, I, I, I, I can't stop

Crimsent s pov

Avery Mattew
He is back

Rn I don't have words to explain this feeling
I could feel my eyes tearing up
It's been 10 years god
I further read the file further
I honestly feel sad by seeing him in this state
Only guy i ever liked in this state

His records mentioned memory loss due to really bad depression, blood trauma and bad nightmares
I need to help him
Even if he hate me

The next day>>>
In the morning
I am so same excited , excited to meet him again,to spend time with him again ,to help him

At the hospital>>>>
I ran to his room as soon as I reached the hospital
Our sections start from today

As soon as I reached his room ,my eyes roam every corner of it in search of him
My eyes caught the guy laying on his bed with his legs crossed and bandaged hand resting on his head

I walked closer to him slowly and tried pushing his hair which was resting on his forehead away but before i could touch it he caught my hand with a jerk and shot opened his eyes and looked at me
My breath hinched by his sudden action
The next thing that left his mouth broke my heart into a million peices
Who are you ? He asked raising his voice a little

Avery s pov

It's been years since I last slept peacefully
All I can do is close my eyes and dream about her

I was half asleep when I felt someone's presence near me and I felt their hand about to touch my forehead
I jerked their hand and tried opening my eyes
But nothing was clear
Everything looks blur
Who Are you ? I asked as their face was not properly visible to me ,
annoyed by my experience, I raised my voice a little
Even if my vision was blur i could tell that it was a girl standing next me
I heard her clearing her throat and i closed my eyes shut feeling the strain in my eyes and head

Hello , my name is Crimsent Ace
I will be handling your therapy from today
We have a section in half an hour
So please be ready
She said in one breath in a soft, professional voice

Wait ...
Is it really her i opened my eyes as I was already craving to see her from the past 10 years but as soon as I opened my eyes she was gone
Was that really her?

Crimsent s pov

He forgot me
He don't even remember me
It breaks my heart
But didn't have any other choice but to pull myself together and i managed to say
Hello , my name is Crimsent Ace
I will be handling your therapy from today
We have a section in half an hour
So please be ready
I turned around and stormed out of the room because if I stay here one second, I am seriously gonna have a breakdown

After half an hour

Avery s pov

I got ready as soon as I can because if that was really her than that's all I need to feel better
To go back to my happy old self
A glimpse of her is all it takes to cure me

I was lost in my own thoughts when
She walked in
My eyes widened by the suprise and happiness
It was really her
My creamy is back to me

Hello mr Mattew she said with a small smile
Soon the old thought hit me
Ig she still hate me
Or why would she act so formal with me
Why would she treat me like a stranger

The only idea i have in my idea is to just play along the act
If that's what it takes for me to get closer to her again then I'll do it
Even if it peirs through my heart

Hey ms Ace ,I said in a formal yet soft voice


misunderstanding always suckers ryt
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