Chapter 9

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12:05 p.m | WEDNESDAY

AS SOON AS THE EMPLOYEE signaled for the racers to start, they took off. Jordyn almost screaming at how fast the sports' car was, mentally forgetting that they informed how quick they would go.

"Holy shit." She pants as she watched everyone fly past her, even Kameron. "This is fucking insane."

Jordyn never really was interested in arcades or anything remotely close to this. She always was in the house perfecting her hairstyles. Only being to anything close to this once and that was back in high school during senior skip day; which is also a decade from today.

She managed to speed, gaining up with the rest of the racers who were behind along with her. Getting use to the speed and how to managed the small motor vehicle, she managed to pass by five drivers, leading her into 6th place.

She looks up ahead, seeing Kameron's locs peeking from the helmet, he was far upfront, Jordyn would assume he was in third or second place. Wanting to try to attempt to win at something she tries to speed up towards Kameron, hopefully to beat his place in the race.

"Oops, sorry!" Jordyn apologized when she bumped into another driver, causing them to swerve. The woman did nothing but glare at Jordyn, taking off and leaving her there.

Ignoring the woman's glare because at the end of the day, it was just a game. Jordyn continued on racing, fighting for her spot in sixth place as others tried to gain up behind her.

The race continued on for two more laps, the racers going around the track a total of twelve times. Jordyn passed her consistent spot of sixth place, and now she was coming in fourth, coming in neck to neck with a small teenage boy who desperately tried to win first.

Kameron was in second place, aiming for first as he hugged the corners of the race track to gain faster speed. Jordyn kept her eye on him as she tried to keep her speed.

"What the fuck!" The teenage boy next to her yells as Jordyn slams into him as they go around a sharp curve, their go karts scrubbing together. She sends an apologetic look his way, not really meaning to hit him, but let's be honest, she technically can't drive this go kart worth a damn.

"Sorry kid." She says, getting herself unstuck from the crash as she watched two racers fly by, hating how she needed to get back on the track to at least be in second or third. She knew she couldn't win the race knowing how well Kameron drove, but she at least wanted to win something higher than fourth.

Once again, ignoring another driver, despite the kid cursing as her as she drove away, hearing him speed up behind her. Not paying him any mind, she speeds up again, gaining back the same position as before which was fourth place, to her surprise.

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