messed up

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Let's start shall we
Crimsent tried asking with out her mood effecting her words

Avery nodded his head possibly

So what do you feel about your life mr Mattew? She asked

He looked at her and answered
Hopeless, depression,hell,lost, burdened,unloved , lonely

Crimsent could understand by the way his eye looked that he was hurt and broken inside

Do you know the reason for that?
Asked crimsent in a soft voice

Avery s pov

The reason
How can I tell her the reason
How can I tell her that my regret and broken dreams abt her
Me worrying about her but not having any idea about her
The nightmares I get about her
The memories abt her that haunt me
Not knowing why she hate me or why she left me
How can I say her that not having her by my side is what broke me

How can I say her that she is the reason

I ended up saying her that
I lost a best friend of mine whom I really loved ,I am lost and haunted by the memories we shared
The nightmares I get everytime I close my eyes
Till today I have not got a single night of peaceful night without having a nightmare

She was quite now
And said
Hey listen
I have lost many precious people too
And do you know what i learning from that?

I nooded by head in denial

See ,we can't forget the memories
Nor will they fade
What we can do is live in a present and create new once

Accept the reality and u don't need to try to actually move on from then because you can't
No one can
Everything happens for a reason so if u still remember your friend
Just know that that too happened for a reason
And let's hope that we find the reason soon
And do you work anywhere?

I nooded negativity

Ok then what are you interested in
For hobbies and job?

I like dancing and I can join as a lawyer
I said

Ok that's final
You should try to dance something and refer some law related books
I'll arrange em for you

I was speechless
Her words were not like just an advice
They held the pain of experience
It's like she knows how I feel
Looks like she is really good at understanding others emotions like her own

Her eyes
It's almost looks like she is reflecting my emotions
Ok ,i said with a fake real smile

Crimsent s pov

God how much i wish the person he mentioned was me

I wish he was so worried after our friendship broke

Just when he said what's bothering him
It reminds me of me
Me when I lost him
Me when i lost my parents
Rn I might know exactly how he felt
When their memories keep you awake him when the midnight starts shine

And he still dances
That's great
I guess that's one thing that didn't change abt him

All I can do is advice him rn


Author s pov

That section of therapy was just the trial to check wether they both are comfortable and ready to continue this

Both of em agreed to this
How can they not
Both of em have been craving eachother for the past 10 years but the misunderstanding between then is a barrier for them to be together and solve all their problems

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