Starting of Distraction

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Here, I mean the word distraction as the starting of love story.

It was a beautiful time of a life, obviously talking about school life. School life is the most beautiful and memorable part of the life where all girls and boys laugh together, play together, fighting over small things.

The time was passing, 10th class was cleared and excited to go in 11th class. Excited for new stream and new subjects, feeling light because there is no more burden to student to study ten to eleven subject a day.

Even she started using social media like Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram and WhatsApp. The main point of distraction is Instagram. Meeting of online friends is more likely we all do.

Similarly, a girl started talking with a boy on Instagram, they are so called online friends. They never meet with each other. Soon they become good friends and from there friendship turn into relationship. They started loving each other. They started caring for each other.

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