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UPON RETURNING back to Blue Lock, Ego ensured that [name] was informed about the tasks she would be handling while he organized things. [Name] walks down from her room to Room Z to debrief them on what's going down. Today's the first match up of the First selection—Team Z vs. Team X.

A battle to, as Ego says, build soccer from zero.

Luckily, the team was already in their suits when she arrived, apparently doing some rock, paper, and scissors. She smiles as they notice her presence in the room.

"What's up, guys? You ready to get moving?"

Isagi widens his eyes. '[name]..! She's here...'

Kuon steps forward, appearing to be in a dilemma. "Teieri-san, in your opinion, who do you believe would be the best forward for this team? We have already decided our positions via rock, paper, and scissors, but choosing a forward is difficult with that."

"Hm? Suitable forward?" [Name] narrows her eyes and examines all of them.

Her intense gaze made them all feel uneasy, as if they were being scrutinized, even though she hadn't actually done anything.

Suddenly, a chirpy smile appears on her face, "Then I pick Yoichi!"

Isagi blinks. 'Huh?!'

"Isagi?!" Raichi steps up and points at the blue-haired boy. "Why him?"

"Gut instinct. I feel like he can really turn up the heat on the field." [Name] says simply. "As your superior, you should respect my decision, Raichi."

Raichi flinches and lets out a scoff.

Soon, they all head to the locker rooms to change into their jerseys. [Name] sits on her own with a whiteboard in hand as she draws out the plan Kuon told her about earlier, with Isagi as the forward.

"Okay everyone!" She claps, "Listen up well."

Everyone gives her their attention.

"Based on rock, paper, and scissors, Kuon and I have marked out your positions on the field," [Name] uses the marker to point and explain each position. "With Isagi as our forward, you all will be doing, what I call, "The Shoot Strategy."

Raichi scoffs. 'Lame.'

"It's a strategy which focuses on direct shots. Most players focus on dribbling the ball closer to the goal before scoring, but a precise direct shot can save you more time while earning points." [Name] smiles at Isagi. "Yoichi, ensure that those goals happen, by you, or by anyone else. I believe in you."

The boy widens his eyes, gulps, and nods. "Understood."

"And it's not just Yoichi," she addresses the rest, "I have faith in all of you."

"Got it~!" Bachira chirps.

"Gimme a break!" Igaguri whines while tying his cleats. "Can we really win with Isagi as our foundation? Is Teieri-san crazy?"

"No gripping, Igaguri," Kunigami says, "we played rock, paper, scissors because everyone wanted to be a forward. And if Teieri thinks Isagi can do it, then so can I."

Raichi remarks optimistically, "all we gotta do is win, right?"

Gagamaru agrees with a simple, "I vote yeah."

Imamura taunts, "Can you even goalie? Might choke like Kawashima."

"I lost the last game, so I don't really have a choice, do I?" Iemon mutters reluctantly.

Chigiri echoes Raichi's sentiment, "Winning sounds good to me."

Isagi ponders, 'I wasn't expecting a game so soon. What does Ego mean by 'building soccer from zero'?' What's his plan?'

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