Requiem for the Bench by the Magnolia Tree (poem)

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You're sitting there again...

It's been several years since we last met;

Why do you continue to steal my seat, sir?

I, Asta Lee Elsher, was technically here first.

I watch from a distance as small salty droplets form at your waterline.

What's going on now? I thought.

Yesterday, you were crying over a death, today it seems you're just sentimental...

He's crying over fallen petals from the blooming tree over yonder.

What a crybaby.

Is it because that's where we first met?

At that tree over there.

Again, I sat there first, you were just company.

My legs are getting tired from standing, as if they're there but not.

That's how numb they've become.

I mean I did claim that bench first, so I could-

Oh, well would you look at that, he's leaving.

Yes! My turn to sit on my bench.

I sat in silence for what felt like a second but quickly turned into hours.

Before I knew what was happening, streams started to pour out of my eyes without my consent.

And I laugh.

Who knew this sight would be so beautiful?

So innocent.

So raw and nostalgic.

Something rare.

One thing is for sure:

That man will come back tomorrow,

And the day after that,

Just like he has done for the past seven years.

Next thing you know, the sun is up.

And I'm still here...

Wait! He's coming!

I turn around, ready to make a dash, but notice... he's not alone.

I have no sort of attraction towards him.

Nothing at all.

I'm quite lonely if you couldn't tell,

His solace is comforting.

This girl, however, is spoiling that.

Her arm linked around his,

And their eyes sparkling with love and glee.

They were leaving me out...

I thought we had something.

Something more significant to consider than to easily throw away.

But clearly, it's not a two-way street...

Why her, though?

Am I angry?


Am I sad?


He came alone for seven years.

Sure he looked miserable and agonized, but at least he was with me - mine.

He stayed with me - for me.

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