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[ The significance of flowers & and Kaiser's epiphany ]

— btw this isn't a canon chap, i just wanted to beat up kaiser's horrible dad ;)

RED ROSES — the most classic of them all, a red rose is a perfect choice for anyone. This stunning shade most popularly stands for passion and communicates love. It's the rose of romance and deep feelings, but can also relay desire, beauty, victory, harmony, joy, luck, pride, martyrdom, according to McCord Jones.

From her shoulder down, [Name] adorns a red rose tattoo. It's long, thorny vines flow down to her hand where a crown connects it all.

Blue roses on the other hand, symbolize mystery, the unattainable, and uniqueness, often representing good fortune and protection in some cultures. In the early 2000s, breeders were able to artificially create a blue rose, changing its meaning from 'impossible' to 'dreams come true'.

Michael's tattoo is a mystery to her, why did he get it? He never told her.

Two people of the same cloth, yet so different in comparison.


This experience takes place a few years ago, during their time at Bastard Munchen Academy. The students and soon to be footballers were on a two week break after winning against their rival academy.

Currently, the night was young, and the squelching of blood and loud cries of pain resound around the area. Michael Kaiser stands in shock as his fellow student and friend, [Name] Teieri, socks his father in the face. Her teeth were barred in anger as she continues this onslaught of attacks.

Kaiser cups the bruise on his face to soothe it as he watches [Name] murmur a hefty amount of German slurs towards his father.

"Son of a bitch!" She curses aloud, delivering a particularly harsh punch to his nose, causing Kaiser's father to let out a weak cry. "Go to hell, you unholy swine. How could you call yourself a father?!"

"[Name]..." Kaiser trails off with wide eyes.

How did this happen? Well, it goes like this.

As they walk towards Kaiser's home, [Name] continues to chat animatedly, her voice filling the night air with warmth and companionship. Kaiser nods along, occasionally chiming in with a playful remark or a shared memory from their time at the academy.

As they approach Kaiser's house, he hesitates, a flicker of apprehension crossing his features. "My dad's not home," he says quietly, his tone tinged with unease.

The girl nods, a bit confused at his serious behavior.

But as they step through the front door, they're met with an unexpected sight. Kaiser's father is indeed home, his presence looming large in the dimly lit hallway. His eyes narrow as he takes in the scene before him, the anger simmering just beneath the surface.

The things he did to Kaiser flashed in [Name]'s eyes. The second he punches her friend, she pounces on him.

And now back to the present.

As [Name] finishes securing Kaiser's father and makes the call to the police, she turns to see Kaiser standing frozen, his eyes filled with a mix of shock, fear, and hurt. She moves towards him, intending to comfort him, but as she reaches out, he flinches away, his body tensing at her touch.

"[Name]..." Kaiser's voice trembles, his emotions raw and tangled. "I... I can't..."

He struggles to find the words, his breath coming in short, uneven gasps. Memories of his father's abuse flood his mind, suffocating him with their weight. It's as if he's transported back to every painful moment, every cruel word, every bruise inflicted upon him.

[Name] pauses, her heart aching for Kaiser's pain. She lowers her hand, giving him space, but her gaze remains gentle yet determined.

"It's okay," she says softly, her voice a soothing melody amidst the chaos. "You don't have to do anything you're not ready for. I'll be here if you need anything."

Tears glisten in Kaiser's eyes as he struggles to hold back the flood of emotions threatening to consume him. He takes a shaky breath, his shoulders sagging with the weight of his trauma.

His emotions were running high, and rightfully so.

He never wanted anyone to see him like this.

The dam had finally broke after all this time.

"I'm sorry, [Name]," he whispers, his voice barely audible above the turmoil in his mind. "I just... I can't..."

[Name] reaches out again, this time offering her hand without touching him, a silent gesture of support and understanding.

Kaiser looks at her, his eyes searching for solace amidst the storm raging within him. Slowly, hesitantly, he reaches out and clasps her hand in his own, his grip tight yet trembling.

"It's gonna be okay," she says softly, yet firmly to instill confidence in him, "we're gonna get through this together."

At this moment, Kaiser had broke down. Tears flow from his eyes uncontrollably and his hand tightens around [Name]'s. The girl stands with him, patient and reassuring as he lets out everything he had trapped in his heart.

Kindness...does exist after all, he finally surmises as [name] hands him a tissue.

As he sees his father getting taken away, he felt...truly happy for once in his life.

Maybe his life really will get better.


"[NAME], KAISER! What happened to you?!" Alexis hovers his hands over her bandaged nose and widens his eyes at Kaiser's bruised face.

"It's nothing, Ness," He drinks his coffee. "Someone stole my bag, so I had to rip them a new one."

The girl waves off his concerns."Yep, just got into a small scuffle while getting home."

"You should've let me walk you home!"

What was he going to do with his friends? Poor Alexis :(

a/n -- the last scene, they both said that to not to worry Alexis. They don't mean to brush off what happened as nothing.

If you are going through something traumatic, seek a trusted adult to help. If you need to talk, my DMs are open for you all via discord ( violethats ). You don't have to bear the burden alone. Things will get better eventually.

Let's keep pushing forward together, guys.

𝐊𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐈𝐓 | bluelock Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora