B2:Chapter 1: The Outsider

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In the quaint town of Evergreen Valley, nestled amidst verdant hills and whispering forests, Lilly Harris was a girl in tune with nature.

With her unruly black hair, thick-rimmed wooden glasses, and a passion for biology science that bordered on obsession, she stood out like a lone beacon of intellect in a sea of conformity.

Yet, despite her brilliance and kindness, she was an outsider, shunned by the clique of popular girls who ruled the social hierarchy at Evergreen High.

As Lilly entered the school gates, her heart sank.
She knew what awaited her: the piercing stares, the whispered taunts, the relentless bullying.
Today was no different.

As she walked through the corridors, she felt the weight of their judgment bearing down on her.

The popular girls huddled together like a pack of wolves and spotted her immediately.

With a cruel smirk, their ringleader, Jessica, called out, "Well, well, if it isn't Lilly the loser. What are you doing here? Don't you have some hole to crawl into?"

Lilly tried to ignore them, keeping her head down and her eyes fixed on the ground, but their words cut through her like knives, each one a painful reminder of her loneliness.

"Look at her clothes. They look like they were hand sewn!" one of the girls jeered, eliciting laughter from the group.

Tears welled up in Lilly's eyes as she hurried away, desperate to escape their torment.

She dashed through the open school gates, not stopping until she reached the safety of a nearby forest.

As she ran from the school, the mood became ever so dreary as the first drops of rain began to fall, mirroring the storm brewing within lilly's heart.

Tears stung her eyes as she recalled the cruel taunts and mocking laughter that had plagued her day, a reminder of her perpetual status as the school's punching bag.

Seeking solace from the deluge, Lilly veered off the familiar path and into the sheltering embrace of the nearby forest.

The towering trees whispered secrets in the wind, their branches swaying in sympathy with her pain as she trudged deeper into the wilderness.

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