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King Soleil

How many funerals must you hold before you endure your own? A lot, it seems. People continuously died no matter how you tried to stop it. All war did was take and take, never giving back. A fine thing, war is.

"This is so unfair" he huffed, stamping his feet in irritation, "Why can't I join in the battle?"

"Cyrus you are nineteen" I shook my head with a tsk, "You are not properly trained and not nearly strong enough. You are not ready to bear the Aether name like your brother."

"I can do it!" Cyrus pleaded, his eyes wide, "I beat Axel in a sword fight the other day! Just let me have a chance to prove myself! Isn't this what you've been preparing me my whole life for?"

"No, you are strong but no match for Masrira and Aivoca soldiers," I stated firmly, "I can't afford to lose you." As usual, my words seemed to fall on deaf ears.

"It's not even war! As usual, Aivoca just enjoys stirring up trouble" Cyrus rolled his yellow eyes, "And as usual Masrira doesn't care and follows them like a lost puppy."

"Prince Cyrus, don't make light of things you don't understand" I spat, "We are on the verge of- "

"Your majesty, a letter has come from Vraekya" My advisor suddenly appeared, holding out a scroll. The paper was stained and a little crumpled at the edges, I guessed it had been sent in a hurry.

"Thank you, Oliver, you may go" I nodded at him. Oliver dipped his head and backed away.

I turned my attention back to the scroll. As I opened the scroll an object fell out. I frowned, reaching down to pick it up. My eyes widened as I realised what it was. It was the long silvery hair of the Vraekyn Queen, roughly cut and placed in a ponytail.

"Hair? What does that mean?" Cyrus peered at it curiously.

"It means that we're at war" I took a deep breath, "Queen Iclyn wouldn't do this if the threat wasn't serious."

"Why did she send her hair?" Cyrus pressed. I ignored my son, turning to the scroll. The Vraekyn Queen's normally neat and precise handwriting was rushed and messy, making it difficult to decipher. She'd written this letter in a hurry; something had to be seriously wrong.

To King Soleil of Xuidel

Queen Mira has sent her troops inside my borders, alongside Aivoca. We're trying to hold them off, but they've already overwhelmed our outposts. I beg you to send us some troops to help fight them, we cannot do this alone. I have written to Kuya and Luris as well.

I would never usually ask for assistance of this magnitude, but I've been left with no other choice. We're already weak after the recent famine and I fear we will be wiped out if help doesn't arrive soon.

Sincerely, Queen Iclyn of Vraekya

I crumpled the letter in my fist with a growl. I couldn't believe Masrira and Aivoca would invade Vraekya when they were so weak and unable to defend themselves. It was cowardly and dishonourable.

"What's wrong father?" Cyrus peered up at me curiously.

"Run and find Commander Elias," I said coldly, "Vraekya is at risk of extermination. We must help them fight."

"Of course," Cyrus dipped his head, "I'll go find him immediately."

Prince Cyrus turned and dashed away, feet stomping on the smooth black stone floors. I quickly strode after him. I have to hurry. I couldn't afford to let Vraekya collapse; not when they were some of my closest allies. While we had once been sworn enemies due to Vraekya's previous ruler antagonising us, since Queen Iclyn took over, we had managed to make amends.

If Luris and Aivoca had never split this wouldn't have happened, I thought furiously, those two kings were so selfish. I wouldn't mind having a huge kingdom on my doorstep but now I have to deal with their foolish king and his idiot son.

"Your majesty, the troops are preparing" Commander Elias appeared up the hallway, "We will be ready to leave in an hour."

"Thank you" I nodded, "I wonder if anyone else is going to join us."

"I've got word that Luris is in uproar" Elias murmured, "The citizens don't want to fight Aivoca, but their king has given them no choice."

"If we have the backup of Luris, we should be okay, even though their powers will be limited in Vraekya" I commented, "If we get Kuya on our side, victory will certainly be ours."

"Are you going to fight?" Commander Elias looked at me firmly, "I would prefer you didn't. Not to be rude but you're getting a bit... old."

"I'm not that old" I laughed, "You've got at least a few years on me and you're still my second in command!"

"Yes, but I don't sit around listening to subordinates whine all day," Elias smiled grimly, "I just don't want you to get yourself killed. Xuidel needs King Soleil more than ever."

"If I die, I'll have Apollo to take over" I shrugged casually, "He'll be twenty-five in a couple of months. I know he'd make a fine ruler, I spent years ensuring that would be the case."

"Just watch out for Prince Cyrus," Elias said quietly, "I have a feeling he has motives that may put you and Apollo in danger. He is not a patient boy, and he is power-hungry."

"Cyrus doesn't worry me," I said dismissively, "If he becomes a threat, I'll just dispose of him as I do with all threats. The kingdom will be none the wiser if he just so happens to join his mother."

"Just be careful," Elias nodded, "I better go make sure the troops are ready to leave."

"Good idea" I agreed, "I'll meet you at the front gates."

Elias lowered his head before turning on his heel and disappearing down the corridor. I watched him go with a bemused expression. I was surprised my own Commander thought so poorly of my own son. I hadn't observed anything malicious about him. Sure, he was nosy and egotistical, but he wasn't evil. I don't think he is a threat. Not yet at least.

And if he became one, well then, I'm not afraid to spill blood, am I?


Prince Aspen

"Father, what do you mean we're at war?" I regarded my father in confusion, "I thought we were friends with Aivoca. Aren't they related to us?"

"Blood means nothing. Not after what they've done" my father spat coldly, "They and Masrira have sent troops into Vraekya. They're too weak to defend themselves so we must aid them."

"Can I come with you?" I pleaded hopefully, "I promise I can be useful! I'll do everything you say!"

"Absolutely not. If I die in this battle, I need someone to take over the kingdom" my father said softly, "Your brother is much too young to rule and there is no one else in line for the throne. You are our kingdom's only hope if something happens to me."

"But you won't die, right?" My eyes were wide in dismay. Despite being nearly twenty, I still felt like a small child around my father. He had that effect of making anyone feel inferior, pathetic even. It was unsettling.

"Of course not, but this is just in case. I cannot afford to take more risks than necessary" My father smiled weakly, "I must go now, I'll see you soon."

"Promise?" I demanded, "Don't die trying to save someone else's kingdom. Luris needs King Ferris more than anything right now"

"I promise," My father replied simply, his green eyes so like my own piercing into me.

"Good," I nodded, satisfied with his answer, "Is there anything I can do while you're gone?"

"Yes, stay somewhere the public can see you," my father said firmly, "They'll need someone to comfort them. Uphold the Taher name as I have taught you".

"I can do that, I won't fail you" I bowed, "You better get going if you want to get there in time".

"Yes, you're right" he reached over, ruffling my curly hair, "I'll see you when this is all over".

And that was the last thing he ever said to me. He made a promise he was unable to keep.

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