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"Thank you so much for helping me," I murmured, my voice laced with sorrow and shame. I couldn't bear to look at him, so I averted my gaze, unable to meet his eyes.

Anger bubbled within me, directed towards myself for my clumsiness and the immense embarrassment I had just endured. The burden of my inadequacy pressed heavily on my shoulders, making it hard to breathe. I questioned my existence on this earth, convinced that there was nothing good in me, that I was nothing more than a pitiful joke.

The pain in my heart was so intense, I could physically feel it. I was shattered, like a fragile glass thrown against a cold, hard surface.

At that moment, consumed by rage and self-loathing, I couldn't bear the sight of the vibrant flowers I had bought for my solo date. With a cry of frustration, I launched a savage kick, brutally crushing them beneath my foot. Each petal crushed was a blow to my already wounded pride, a physical manifestation of my failures.

It was as if I was punishing myself, punishing the reflection of my own ineptitude. The violence of my actions surprised even me, but I couldn't stop. It was as if I needed to destroy something beautiful to match the ugliness I felt inside.

Utterly defeated, I decided it was time to go. But before I could make my escape from the scene of my humiliation, his voice reached my ears, stopping me dead in my tracks. I turned to see him standing there, his presence commanding attention. Despite the tears blurring my vision, a glimmer of hope rose within me at the sight of him.

His words were soft, barely a whisper, but they cut through the turmoil in my mind like a knife. The expression of sadness etched on my face was unmistakable. The tears that streamed down my cheeks were a testament to the depth of my despair.

In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to disappear, to fade away into the background, but his presence held me captive, drawing me closer despite my inner turmoil.

Though I couldn't find my voice, my eyes silently pleaded for understanding and compassion. I longed for him to see beyond the outward clumsiness and unease, to recognize the pain that gnawed at the core of my being. The gravity of my emotions lingered, weaving an unspoken bond between us.

As the seconds ticked by, it became clear that this encounter held more significance than I had ever imagined. The profound impact of his kindness and the unspoken understanding in his eyes enveloped me, offering a sliver of solace in my darkest moment. And in that fragile moment, I realized that perhaps there was hope for me.

"I can drive you anywhere you need to go. The rain's pouring, and finding transport at this hour is tough - it's 8:45 pm already. Plus, you are hurt; walking won't be possible. Step into the car, please." Stunned, I looked at him. The cold breeze made me shiver, and his next words, spoken with kindness, hit me, "You're shivering; let me assist you, Miss Beautiful."

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