Chapter 14

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"Why did I think it would be a good idea to take you to a bar?" I groaned as a very drunken Aspen clung to my shirt, "You've had two drinks. How are you this drunk?"

"Cuz- hic- I'm not used to- hic- it" Aspen slurred, "I need another- hic- drink."

"Fucking hell" I shook my head in amazement before turning to the bartender, "Get him another drink. Get me one too while you're at it."

I don't know what the hell they'd put in Aspen's drink, but it was strong. The brunette basically had his face in my chest and sat directly on my lap. Luckily, everyone in the bar was much the same. Some people sat at the bar chatting, others by the tables playing poker and laughing, a couple were on the couch making out. Only one thing was constant. Everyone was severely drunk.

"Kijani~" Aspen whined.

"What, Aspen?" I heaved a sigh.

"I love you" he murmured, "Just thought I'd- hic- say that."

"Right" I nodded, perplexed. I glanced up as I saw two drinks sitting on the bar table. Grabbing my own, I took a sip. Aspen immediately began chugging his.

"Aspen that is nearly straight vodka, why the fuck are you chugging it like it's water?" My eyes widened in amusement, "I didn't think you were much of an alcoholic."

"It's good," Aspen said dreamily, "It reminds me of you."

"Of me?" I laughed, "What, tasteless? Bitterly sweet? Bad for you?"

"Something like that," Aspen murmured. I stared into his eyes. His pupils were completely dilated, and a fog had taken over them. Somehow in the thirty minutes we'd been here he'd developed an alcohol addiction, which surely had to be a world record.

"God how am I supposed to get you home" I muttered, "You're going to fall off the horse halfway there."

"Guess I'll have to ride on the back with you" Aspen leant into my chest, placing his arms on me, "I- hic- don't think I can walk..."

"Right, I think that's enough then" I shook my head, "Let's go home."

"But I'm hungry," Aspen groaned, "We haven't eaten anything."

"We have plenty of food back at home," I said firmly, "Besides, they don't do food here. It's drinks only."

"I don't want to eat human meat again" Aspen complained loudly, "Isn't there- "

"Shush!" I placed my hand over his mouth, "Don't be so loud!" Aspen spat muffled curses at me. With a sigh I lowered my hand.

"Come on" I growled, "We're leaving."

Ignoring Aspen's protests, I stood up with him clinging to my front. Moving my arm under him so he was more supported, I made my way outside. The horses were right outside the door, tied to a hitching rail. I took one look at Aspen, and I knew he was in no state to ride by himself. Admitting defeat, I lifted him up into Sayah's saddle. I untied Yukio, grateful that he just stood there while I hoisted myself up in front of Aspen.

"Hold on" I called over my shoulder, "If you fall off don't blame me."

I felt Aspen's arms wrap around my waist, pulling me close. Holding Yukio's lead rope, I gave Sayah's sides a squeeze. We were off at once. I eased us into a steady canter, not wanting to go too fast in case Aspen tried to suicide while I wasn't looking. Drunk people do some crazy things, none of them ever good.

I was thankful for the lack of truly dangerous animals in Luris. Unlike Vraekya, in which just about every animal could kill you in some way, Luris had relatively few. The only immediate ones that came to mind were carnivorous deer, which roamed just about every kingdom as a result of a failed science experiment many years ago. The only other was the dire bear, which was nearly twelve feet long and highly aggressive. I had to hope we didn't cross any tonight.

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