Chapter 1

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I took a deep breath as I felt the plane descend from the sky.

After all the bad things that I've done to Ma'am Alberta and her family, they still welcomed me with open arms and helped me get on with my life.

I was actually disowned by my own family years ago.

I terribly miss them, like a lot.

But no amount of remorse from me could fix what was broken.

After being discharged at the psych ward and after completing my entire rehab sessions and being clean, I decided to continue my studies.

I wasn't able to finish High School but I had decent grades. I had to study and work multiple jobs to pay for food, shelter, and other necessities.

At one point, I had to live in the streets when I had no money to pay for an apartment and I had to rummage through the garbage bins to look for almost clean food to eat. But as I grew older, I was able to apply to more decent paying jobs.

I wasn't actually planning on making contact with any of my family but Tita Alberta and Tito Soren bumped into me once.

One of my jobs was as a hotel attendant. There was some sort of a seminar at one of the hotel's function halls and they were one of the attendees. I didn't actually noticed them at first because the hall was quite packed.

When I was tasked to help with serving food at the event, that's when I saw the both of them. I got really scared at first. I thought I was going to be greeted by a slap or something, because what I did to them and my cousins was beyond terrible.

But no, I saw how their eyes sparkled upon seeing me. They told me that they were happy to see that I am alive and well.

It was awkward on my part because I didn't know how to address them as. After all, I was shunned by my own family. So who was I to call them my Tita Mommy and Tito Daddy, right?

I addressed them as Ma'am and Sir and thanked them for their well wishes.

I was slowly accepting my fate that I will never get to continue my studies and earn a degree. I had to accept what was about to come. I told myself this was my karma from hurting the people who genuinely cared for me and wanted what was best for me.

As I was about to clock out from my job as a hotel attendant,  I was called in our supervisor's office. My anxiety was shooting up. I was only relieved when I saw former family members waiting for me.

They offered to help me in financing my studies because they said they see potential in me. I declined their offer at first but as soon as my cousin's name was mentioned and how they told me that she was living alone whilst studying and working, I thought it would be a good opportunity to finally make amends and start over.

They even told me that Spencer's been waiting for me for a long time and that she misses me. We used to be the best of friends before it all went to shit.

My former family members asked me if they should tell my parents about my whereabouts but I told them they shouldn't. I don't have the guts to face all of them, not after how I put two family names in shame and was dragged through the dirt.

And now, here I am, about to land in the Philippines to live with my estranged cousin. I don't know whether to feel happy or sad about the situation.

All I know is that I'm grateful for this opportunity to help me get a better life in the near future.

As soon as they announced that we are allowed to disembark the plane, I immediately stood up from my seat since the ticket that they purchased me was on the business class.

Just as they promised, their family driver was already waiting for me at the bay and ready to fetch me.

Since the school year already began, I had to go to the school owned by Spencer's mom to get my schedule and to let me familiarize with the entire school environment.

It was late anyway and the classes are probably over. Ma'am Alberta asked one of the admin staff of the school to tour me around the campus and they were the one to give me my schedule since she said Spencer had to do something and that she actually ditched her classes.

When I was about to leave the office, a few of the teachers who passed by it was stopped and I was introduced to them.

Most of them never asked for my surname because maybe it was enough for them to know my name or maybe they're in a hurry to go home.

That was until a gorgeous woman stopped by the office to ask for Spencer's whereabouts since she hasn't attended any of her classes.

I was standing awkwardly at her side, unable to talk. I gathered up some courage to be able to speak to the staff who was with me and let them know that I will be leaving.

I thanked them and turned my back against them, ready to walk out of the office.

But my attention was called again by the staff and they introduced me to the gorgeous woman. They told me that I'll be in the same classes as Spencer and that she'll be my adviser and my English teacher.

My heart fluttered when our eyes met and I got lost in trance. My goodness, what a beauty. I thought.

I was only pulled back from reality when I felt her hand hold mine and gave me a handshake. She asked me for my name.

"Uhh, m-my name is Antonia po. Toni for short, Ma'am." I stuttered. Damn it.

"Antonia? Only Antonia? May I know your full name?" she asked. The lone teacher who asked me for my complete name.

" full name is Antonia Phoenix Lewis-Harrington, Ma'am." I know I have a bit of an accent and I may have picked it up from binge watching too much western movies and series. But in my defense, we mostly spoke English in our household and we seldom watch Tagalog movies whilst I was growing up here in the Philippines.

I may have stayed in Spain for a few years after I pulled that horrible stunt on my cousin's big day, but I wasn't fluent in Spanish and I never picked up their accent. I only learned the basic Spanish words all thanks to the public school where I continued my studies. 

"Are you somehow related to Spencer?" she curiously asked.

I just nodded at her.

"I am Catherine Elizabeth Meyer. You may address me as Miss Meyer." she gave me a smile and warmly welcomed me to the school.

I bid my farewell to them and made my way towards the parking lot where Ma'am Alberta's driver was waiting for me.

As we were about to leave, I saw Miss Meyer approach her car as well. I told the driver to wait for a bit. I would like to see her leave the school safely.

A few minutes have passed by and it was very unfortunate to see that her car's not starting. The sky's getting darker and I had to make a decision to drop her off or to leave her be.

My conscience wouldn't let me pick the latter so I rolled down my window and tried to get her attention.

I waved my hands repeatedly and when I was about to give up, she looked outside and saw me.

I motioned for her to get out of her car and once she approached Ma'am Alberta's car, I offered to drop her off at her home.

She was a bit reluctant at first but she finally agreed since it was almost nighttime already.

Before she went out of the car, she thanked me again for letting her hitch a ride with me and I told her it was no biggie at all.

I waited for her to get inside her house before the family driver of the Cojuangco-Lewis family drove away towards Spencer's place.

I hope this'll be a great school year for me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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