Chapter 1

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"Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, get in here," she yelled. She was very confused"

"Honey what is it?" He asked, he was just as confused as she was.

"Daniel I'm pregnant," she said. She was very happy and confused they have always wanted kids.

"Honey that is amazing!" He exclaimed, he was very excited.

Later on that day Emily got the last call she thought she would get that day...
"Hi this is doctor Victor I was just calling to let you know that we have your mom here she is having trouble breathing but she will be just fine..." She dropped the phone and ran to the car on the drive there she called her husband to tell him where she was going he said that he would meet her there when he got off work.

Emily cried the whole way to the hospital. When she got there her mother was in tears Emily tried to stay positive and so she told her mother that she was pregnant

She was very excited to have her first grandkid but she was afraid that she might not live to see him/her...

"Mrs.Murphy I am so glad to see you are ok" said Daniel as he walked into the hospital room "Thank you Daniel you are so sweet" Mrs.Murphy said weakly.

           Doctor Victor walked into the room they all looked at each other. 

             "Ok so we ran some tests and unfortunately Mrs.Murphy you have lung cancer"  he had no clue how this had happened but it was true.

              Emily burst in tears with her husband holding her close to him they all where very shocked.

            Emily ran out of the room and out the hospital doors to her car and sat there crying.

            This day started a good day. Why did it not start that way?

     "Why did my father have to die" she whispered to herself.

        And then her husband texted her that he just got fired

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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