Chapter One

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Chapter One

*Note: This is part of a series! Read "Inferi" first!

My mother always told me that the monsters under the bed were never the ones I should be afraid of.

It was always the monsters that lived inside us that were the scariest. And to this day, gods rest her soul, she was right. I'd seen plenty of people who carried monsters within them, clawing to escape and terrorize the world outside them. People with obscene power that could bring about the wrath of the apocalypse.

And yet, there was one thing my dear mother had forgotten to tell me.

That no matter how scary or powerful those monsters were, you were strong enough to fight them back. There were two sides to every person, just as there were to coins. One side was the carnivorous hatred and rage, the selfishness, the explicit danger. The other side was made of love, kindness, humility and emotion. Both sides did share a common trait, though, and that was strength. It was a constant battle, but one that only the person could fight. Granted, they didn't need to fight on their own, but there were some people who didn't have friends like mine.

Well, usually.

My friends had ditched me as of late.

Charon was too busy with work, which I completely understood. The poor guy was always being worked to the bone and he just wanted to spend his free time with his boyfriend, Alexion. Those two were the definition of a typical romance novel couple, cuddling and snuggling. But it warmed my heart to see Charon so happy. When we first met, he had been so miserable and withdrawn. Now, his life was brightened.

Then there was Blaine. He was feeling awful because of his pregnancy. I felt sorry for the poor guy. He put on a happy face most of the time, but Blaine had a temper, so he was yelling more than he was enjoying things. It didn't help that the baby wasn't Cerberus's, his boyfriend. It was actually daddy-in-law's kid, which just disgusted me. Hades was such an asshole.

Then there was Abel. Yeah, he'd drop by on weekends, the weekends he didn't spend at his friend's, Jahlia's, house. When he wasn't doing that, he was dancing around Cain, who got super pissy if Abel didn't pay enough attention to him. While I was glad Abel was happier now with Cain, it still pissed me off how much Cain hogged him all the time. He had friends who wanted his attention.

Like, I dunno, maybe me?

I rolled my eyes, running my finger tip around the rim of a bourbon shot. It wasn't doing much. My alcohol tolerance was obscene. It took a lot to get me drunk, and six shots of bourbon barely gave me a tingle. Even worse was how lonely I was feeling now that I had joined the single corner.

I had to kick out my last submissive because he was a brat and he didn't understand how this kind of relationship worked. He wanted a lot of pain, and he wanted it out of rage, something I very rarely reached. I rarely got angry with my submissives. They were so eager and excited to do what I said, cooking, cleaning, sucking, anything. This one just pissed me off, so I kicked him out and tried to find another, but I already knew most of the submissives in town.

And each one of them had left me for a better dominant, which I knew would happen eventually, but it still didn't make the pain lessen. I always told the sub at the beginning of a relationship that it was okay if they found someone better, if they wanted to switched doms, that was fine. I respected their decision.

Gods, I hated that part of myself.

Oh, sure, it's okay to break my heart. I don't mind.

After all, my species doesn't really give a shit about the emotional part of a relationship, am I right?

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